Pastor’s Blog


Spiritual Discernment

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
Our Wednesday night topic for April 3rd will be a discussion of Spiritual Discernment. One of our members recently sent me a sermon preached by a popular preacher in the metro Atlanta area. The preacher delivered the message with skill, sincerity, and passion. But the problem with the message is ... Continue


Easter Bible Quiz

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Easter Bible Quiz
Our Wednesday night topic for March 27th will be a Bible Quiz on the events of Holy Week. Since Holy Week recurs every year - we get accustomed to seeing and hearing the story of the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. We watch the dramas, we experience the musicals, ... Continue


Catholic Concerns?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
Our Wednesday night topic for March 20th will be a discussion of Roman Catholicism. On March 13, 2013, a white puff of smoke from the Sistine Chapel announced that the Roman Catholic Church had just elected their new pope named Jorge Mario Bergoglio. His official name and title will be called ... Continue


Mission Report: El Salvador

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Mission Report: El Salvador
This Wednesday night, March 13th, Horace Fortner will be sharing his mission experiences from his recent trip to El Salvador. Continue


Week of Prayer for North American Missions

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Week of Prayer for North American Missions
On Wednesday Night - March 6 - we will be participating in our annual "Week of Prayer" for North American Missions. The theme this year is "Whatever It Takes- Reaching the One."  Please come and participate in our Missions study. Continue


“Why Me, LORD? “

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on “Why Me, LORD? “
Our Wednesday Night topic for Feb 27th will be the age old question,  "Why do BAD Things happen to GOOD People?"   A more personalized form of that question would be "Why Me, LORD?... I'm trying to live right and do right, so why did this awful thing happen to me?" Why ... Continue


Judgment Day

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Judgment Day
Our Wednesday night topic for Feb 20th will be Judgment Day. The Bible records hundreds of references to judgment. Someday after this life is over, everyone must stand in judgment and give account for their life on earth. So the questions we've been asked to discuss are:  What are the ... Continue


Are you a Prepper?

Posted by Danny Jones | 3 Comments »
On Wednesday Night - Feb 13th - we will be discussing the "Doomsday Prepper" phenomenon. It is difficult to pinpoint what started people to "prepping,"  but all across America, thousands of people are stocking up on food, water, medical supplies, weapons, ammo, gold, and silver. Some are going even further in ... Continue


Is Conservatism always right?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night - Feb 6th - we will try to answer the question - "Is conservatism always right?" As most of you know,  I consider myself to be a conservative Christian. So you can imagine what I was thinking when I heard about the following: Recently, Charles Osgood, host of ... Continue



Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
In our Wednesday Night study for Jan 30th , we will be discussing THEOLOGY. For many Christians, the word "theology" is a synonymn for boredom. Actually, theology should be exciting to every believer. Theology is the secret to knowing and loving God.  Theology is the combination of 2 Greek words, ... Continue