Pastor’s Blog


Back to School Special – Cavemen & Dinosaurs

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Back to School Special – Cavemen & Dinosaurs
On Wednesday Night, Sep 4th,  we will have a "Back to School Special" discussion on Cavemen & Dinosaurs. As our children return to school - from the picture books in preschool to college texts in the Biology department  - students will be taught that millions of years ago there was an ... Continue


The Role of Women in Church

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, Aug 28th, we will have a discussion about the Role of Women in the Church. Recently, one of our members was spending some time with fellow Christians from a different denomination who believe that women should not lead in prayer if a man is present. They were ... Continue


Progressive Christianity ?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, Aug 21st , we will have a discussion about a new movement within Christianity called "Progressivism".  I was recently listening to a local talk show who had Jonathan Merritt as a guest. Jonathan is the son of Dr. James Merritt who pastors Crosspointe Church in Duluth, GA ... Continue


Theology in our Music

Posted by nlbstaff | Comments Off on Theology in our Music
Hello Northlake, this is Kyle. As most of you know, Brother Danny is up in Dahlonega looking out for the freshmen at Frog Week, so I'll be conducting this week's Wednesday Night Discussion. Our topic for the evening is "Theology in our Music." In our world, more music is being written ... Continue


Missions Update

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Missions Update
On Wednesday Night, Aug 7th, we will have a Missions Update from Laura Hamilton. She has been on several trips since she was last able to be in our area - so she will be presenting her travels, experiences, and how the Lord has been working in her life. Please ... Continue


Are Weddings Necessary?

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Are Weddings Necessary?
On Wednesday Night, July 31st, we will be discussing WEDDINGS. The question was asked "Are Weddings Necessary?"  Obviously, the Bible teaches that Marriage is necessary. From the earliest chapters of Genesis, we see the first man and the first woman joined in marriage by the Lord Himself (Gen 2:22-24).  Also, ... Continue


Can Satan read our minds?

Posted by Danny Jones | 3 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, Jul 24th, we will have a discussion about our spiritual enemy - Satan. We will build our discussion around several questions that I have heard -  Can Satan know our thoughts? Can Satan put thoughts into our minds? While some say that Satan cannot know our thoughts - ... Continue


Baptism for the Dead?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, July 17th, we will have a discussion on the Mormon Doctrine of "Baptism for the Dead". Some of our members have recently had discussions with people of the Mormon faith. As they discussed their beliefs, something was mentioned about "Baptism for the Dead."  The Mormons apparently believe ... Continue


Do you have a personal relationship with God?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, Jul 10th, we will have a discussion on what it means to have a "personal relationship with God." Recently, some of our members have talked with me concerning the salvation of their loved ones who are members of some of the "mainline" Christian denominations.  They are concerned ... Continue


July 4th & Same Sex Marriage

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on July 4th & Same Sex Marriage
We will not be meeting on Wednesday July 3rd - so our church family can be with their families for the July 4th Holiday.  I have chosen instead to upload my sermon notes from Sunday --  "July 4th & Same Sex Marriage."   As you have opportunity during this holiday week ... Continue