Pastor’s Blog


Would Jesus want you to bake a Gay Wedding Cake?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, June 10th , we will try to answer the question - Would Jesus want you to Bake a Gay Wedding Cake?   I was recently "forwarded" an article concerning a popular and prominent Baptist pastor who has called for Christians to take one year off from the culture ... Continue


How well do you know God?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, June 3rd , we will discuss "How well do you know God?"  Last week, we looked at some statistics from Pew Research that said the number of Americans who call themselves "Christian" is at an all time low of 71% while the number of "Nones" is rising ... Continue


The Rise of the NONEs

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night,  May 27th, we will have a discussion about the recently released 2014 Religious Landscape Study by the Pew Research Center. The subtitle for the study is: "Christians Decline Sharply as Share of Population - Unaffiliated and Other Faiths Continue to Grow." The survey of 35,000 people found ... Continue


Special Missionary Presentation

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Special Missionary Presentation
On Wednesday Night,  May 20th, we will have a special presentation by a young couple recently appointed to be journeyman missionaries by the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Part of their preparation for their assignment is to enlist at least 5 churches to be prayer partners for ... Continue


AWANA Awards Ceremony

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on AWANA Awards Ceremony
On Wednesday Night, May 13th, we will be celebrating another great year in AWANA.  Please come and encourage our children as they receive their awards from another exciting year of AWANA.  There will be a FREE Hotdog Dinner beginning at 5:30 - the Awards program begins at 6:30. Continue


Has the Church Replaced Israel in Bible Prophecy ?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night,  May 6th, we will discuss "Replacement Theology."  We live in confusing times. For most of my adult life, the USA has been a strong supporter of Israel and on numerous occasions helped defend Israel against its many enemies. But now, it seems like our leaders are not ... Continue


Roman Catholicism

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, Apr 29, we will discuss Roman Catholicism. Recently, two of our members have told me about having a close friend who was a Catholic who passed away. They were concerned about their friend's salvation because while Catholics and Baptists have similar beliefs about God, the Trinity, and ... Continue


SBC Race Relations

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on SBC Race Relations
On Wednesday Night, April 22nd , we will discuss Race Relations. One would think that in the 50 years since the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and since we currently have an African America President, that we would nolonger need to talk about Race Relations. But when a police shooting ... Continue


Gossip:Think before you Share

Posted by Danny Jones | 5 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, Apr 15th , we will discuss Gossip. Gossip is defined as "talking or spreading rumors of a personal or intimate nature about someone." The Bible contains many verses that characterize gossip as a sin. Gossip is a daily temptation for all of us - because everyday we ... Continue


The Posture of Prayer

Posted by Danny Jones | 5 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, Apr 8th, we will discuss the Posture of Prayer.  Often in Church meetings, you hear Pastors or Evangelists call people to prayer by saying - "Let's go to the Lord in Prayer... with every HEAD BOWED & EVERY EYE CLOSED..."  Where did that originate? Is there a ... Continue