Sunday School

 Sunday School


God and eternal life…


Fellowship, friends…


Encouragement in your walk with Jesus…


Knowledge of God and the Scriptures…


Find it in Sunday School.


Whether adult, student, or child, Sunday School is the place where small group study of God’s Word, open to anyone and everyone, meets life. It provides the opportunity for seekers to hear the Good News of Eternal Life in Jesus Christ, and believers to find warm fellowship, serious equipping for ministry, and knowledge of God that leads to solid convictions you can stake your life upon. It is the central avenue of coordination to accomplish the mission of exalting Jesus and spreading the Gospel in word and service inside and outside the church.

Sundays ~ 9:45am ~ Education Building


Adult Groups

Adult Sunday School groups are the heartbeat of Northlake Baptist Church. God’s Word, in all of it’s infinite capacities, is explored in various styles, depths, and methods. But, it’s all centered on God’s Word, which alone provides inerrant access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is this Gospel alone which saves and transforms us, to be more like Jesus in our hearts, and in our actions. Yet, even further, these classes provide a consistent fellowship of mature and young believers so that all can be mutually encouraged in knowledge and passion to follow Jesus. Each class studies God’s word as an open, close-knit small group seeking to know more of Jesus and how He changes and impacts our lives. (Click the link above to see more about our specific classes and teachers!)


Student Groups

Consisting of middle and high school classes, Northlake Baptist Student Ministry’s Sunday School groups are the place where teenagers make their faith in Jesus Christ their own. Using the Answers in Genesis curriculum, which has an apologetic focus, the students learn a wide-range of biblical knowledge and how that compares with other ideas in the world. Carey and Coleen Whitlow lead the high school class, while Alex Black and Casey Williams lead the middle school class. In the end, the goal is to create a solid foundation of a knowledge of God and His Word so that they are able to navigate the diverse cultural and religious ideas they face on a daily basis in faithfulness to Jesus. (Click above to see our classes and teachers, and to find a link to the Student Ministry webpage which has more information about how your student can get involved in our student ministry!)


Children’s Classes

NBC Children’s Ministry Sunday School seeks to disciple our children in the knowledge of God’s Word. The greatest question for every child’s life will be, “What is your foundation?” It is this foundation of their lives that will inform how they make every decision in life. In Northlake’s Sunday School, our caring, patient, and loving teachers teach children the Word of God in detail to create a foundation that helps them view the world like Jesus did, love God like Jesus did, and live lives and make decisions that change the world like Jesus did. They use the Gospel Project Curriculum to show how Jesus is the center of all of scripture. (Click above to see our classes and teachers!)

For help finding a class for you, contact:
Corbin Smith
Minister of Discipleship