
Are you a Prepper?

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On Wednesday Night – Feb 13th – we will be discussing the “Doomsday Prepper” phenomenon. It is difficult to pinpoint what started people to “prepping,”  but all across America, thousands of people are stocking up on food, water, medical supplies,
weapons, ammo, gold, and silver. Some are going even further in their “preps” and digging bunkers. Maybe it was 9-11 or some other terrorist attack. Maybe it was superstorms or natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina. Maybe it was the Stock Market crash of 2008. Maybe it is the $16 trillion national debt. Maybe it is the “gridlock” in Congress or the President’s use of Executive Orders.  Whatever the cause, there seems to be a sense of foreboding among some people that something terrible is soon to happen. I’m a little over 50 years old and I have not seen people this nervous since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.

Sometimes people are afraid for no good reason. This is called paranoia. Other times there is a good reason for fear and preparation for real dangers. In Luke 21, Jesus tells His followers of a future invasion and occupation of the city of Jerusalem. He also warns them to be PREPPED to head for the mountains. The first fulfillment of this prophecy occurred when the Roman General Titus laid siege to Jerusalem in April, AD 70.

What do you think about the current “State of the Union” in the United States of America? Is all this prepping really necessary or is this simply a case of too many people watching Nat Geo?

Are you a Prepper?

  • No (61%, 14 Votes)
  • Yes (39%, 9 Votes)

Total Voters: 23

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