Pastor’s Blog


Vacation Bible School

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Vacation Bible School
This is Vacation Bible School Week at Northlake. There are classes for Bible students of all ages including adults. VBS is scheduled Monday through Friday from 5:30-8:30 each evening. Continue


“St John’s Syndrome” Follow Up

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on “St John’s Syndrome” Follow Up
On Wednesday Night, Jun 19th, we will have a Follow Up discussion on St John's Syndrome. Three weeks ago, we discussed the Church Growth Disease called "St John's Syndrome."  The syndrome is characterized by a church starting well but becoming less effective as it grows older.  This is not just an ... Continue


St John’s Syndrome

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on St John’s Syndrome
On Wednesday Night, May 29th, we will have a discussion about St. John's Syndrome. For the last year or so, I have been serving on a team in our Chattahoochee Baptist Association called the Strengthening Churches Team. Why would a Baptist Association need such a team?  We need such a ... Continue


Christians & Social Drinking

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, May 22nd, we will have a discussion about Christians and the Social Drinking of Alcohol. I was recently asked the question "Is it OK for Christians to drink alcohol as long as they don't get drunk?" The Southern Baptist position is that consuming alcohol is sinful and should ... Continue


AWANA Awards

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on AWANA Awards
Wednesday Night, May 15th will be our Annual AWANA Awards Night.  Please come and encourage and congratulate our students on their accomplishments in becoming  "Approved Workmen [who] Are Not Ashamed" based on 2 Timothy 2:15 "be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to ... Continue


The Spoken “Blessing”

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on The Spoken “Blessing”
On Wednesday Night, May 8th, we will be discussing "Blessing."  Since Sunday is Mothers Day, it seems like a appropriate topic because our mothers are such a blessing to us. Mothers are the way that the Lord has chosen to give His special "Blessing" of Life to us. Beyond our birth, ... Continue


The Rapture

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, May 1st, we will be discussing "The Rapture."  The Rapture of the Church is a prophetic event clearly taught in the Bible.  I Thessalonians 4:15 "For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of ... Continue



Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Conspiracy?
On Wednesday Night, April 24th, we will discuss Conspiracy Theories. A Conspiracy by definition means "to plan or plot secretly… to plan together secretly to commit an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act."  Throughout history there have always been conspiracy theories. The main sources of conspiracy theories are usually we, the ... Continue



Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on RVICS?
On Wednesday Night, April 17th, we will have a special presentation by some of the volunteers from Roving Volunteers in Christ's Service. RVICS is a non-denominational Christian organization for couples with a heart to serve the Lord during their retirement years.  For the last several years, some RVICS volunteers have ... Continue


Apr 14 – High Attendance Day in Sunday School

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Apr 14 – High Attendance Day in Sunday School
Our Wednesday night topic for April 10th will be Church Growth. Sunday, April 14th has been designated High Attendance Day in Sunday School at Northlake Baptist Church. "High Attendance" Sunday is a day when we remind ourselves to do THIS week what we should be doing EVERY week - invite ... Continue