Pastor’s Blog


Christmas Quiz

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Christmas Quiz
On Wednesday Night, December 11th, we will have a Christmas Quiz from the Gospel of Luke. Most of us have attended Christmas plays, parties, musicals, and family gatherings. Therefore, we should be pretty familiar with the Christmas Story. But sometimes in the hustle and bustle of the season, we overlook ... Continue


2019 Week of Prayer for International Missions

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on 2019 Week of Prayer for International Missions
On Wednesday Night – December 4th – we will be participating in our annual “Week of Prayer” for International Missions. We will study "Missions Around the Table" as we discuss the work of our Southern Baptist International Missionaries. Find out what they do, and how we can best support these ... Continue


Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Happy Thanksgiving!
On Wednesday Night, November 27th, we will not be having our weekly Bible Study so our members can spend time with their families for Thanksgiving.  As we studied last Sunday from Revelation 4, don't forget to "Ask the Blessing", "Return Thanks", and "Give Glory, Honor, and Thanksgiving" to the LORD ... Continue


Is Belief in the Trinity essential to Salvation?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, November 20th, we will discuss the Trinity. The first hymn in our hymnbook that we often sing says "Holy, Holy, Holy - merciful and mighty - God in three Persons - blessed Trinity." And while we sing it, we have trouble understanding it. How can God be ... Continue


Turn the Other Cheek?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, November 6th, we will discuss Self-Defense. We recently received a question about the teachings of Jesus concerning non-violence - non- resistance - or "turning the other cheek" (Mat 5:39). Is this a contradiction to the Old Testament which allowed self defense in Exo 22:2? Was Jesus literally ... Continue


Fall Festival !!

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Fall Festival !!
Wednesday Night, Oct 30th, Northlake Baptist Church will be hosting our annual "Fall Festival" from 6:00-8:00 pm. There will be Food, Fun, and Fellowship -and- lots of CANDY & GAMEs for the children in a safe environment. Please come. Continue


The Search for Significance

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on The Search for Significance
On Wednesday Night, Oct 23rd, we will discuss our Search for Significance. Back in 1985, Robert McGee wrote the book, "The Search for Significance" to help people in their struggle to find meaning and fulfilment in life. He described the human condition as follows: "From life's outset, we find ourselves ... Continue


Clearly and Concisely Sharing the Gospel

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Clearly and Concisely Sharing the Gospel
On Wednesday Night, October 16th, we will discuss how to clearly and concisely Share the Gospel. There are dozens of methods and techniques that have been developed over the years for telling people the "Good News" about Jesus Christ. But after years of teaching, trial, and error, most Christians are ... Continue


Vaccination ?

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Vaccination ?
On Wednesday Night, October 9th, we will discuss Vaccination. Should a Christian receive vaccinations and/or have their children vaccinated? In recent years, this has become a Hot Topic even among Christians. Back in 1955 when Dr. Jonas Salk produced the polio vaccine to prevent that crippling disease, Salk was considered a ... Continue


Women in Ministry

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, Oct 2nd, we will have a discussion about Women in Ministry. This topic has been controversial in the church especially since the feminist movement of the 1960s. In the last 60 years, women have risen to positions of leadership and prominence in all areas of society. Currently, ... Continue