Pastor’s Blog


How familiar are you with the Birth of Christ?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, December 27th, we will have a Biblical Christmas Quiz. Since this is the Wednesday Night after Christmas, most of us have attended Christmas plays, parties, musicals, family gatherings, and gift exchanges. Therefore, we should be pretty familiar with the Christmas Story. But sometimes in the hustle and ... Continue


The Incarnation

Posted by Danny Jones | 4 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, December 13th, we will study the Incarnation. Most people are familiar with Christmas. It is the Holiday when we celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ.  Theologians refer to this as "The Incarnation" - from the Latin word that means "to be made flesh."   That phrase comes from ... Continue


2017 Week of Prayer for International Missions

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on 2017 Week of Prayer for International Missions
On Wednesday Night, December 6th , we will have a special program presented by the Northlake Missions Team to observe our annual Week of Prayer for International Missions.  Please attend in order to be informed and inspired to do your part to fulfill our Lord's "Great Commission" to take the ... Continue


Can the Church hinder the 2nd Coming of Christ?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, November 29th, we will try to understand the meaning of Matthew 24:14. I recently attended the annual Georgia Baptist Convention. Part of the annual meeting involves approving the budget for the next year. After the budget presentation, several people went to the microphones to ask questions and ... Continue


Is Facebook the New Idolatry?

Posted by Danny Jones | 3 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, November 15th, we will deal with the question - "Is Facebook the New Idolatry?"  It seems like a strange question. How could a simple communications medium be seen as a god or an idol?  Most people do not bow down and worship in front of a computer ... Continue


Developing an Effective Prayer Life

Posted by Danny Jones | 2 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, Nov 8th , we will continue our prayer study. For  background to our study, we are using "The Doctrine of Prayer" by T. W. Hunt. This week, we will study some ways to develop an effective prayer life. One of the ways is to have a "Quiet ... Continue


Biblical Archeology

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Biblical Archeology
On Wednesday Night, November 1st , we will discuss Biblical Archeology. I was recently given an article from the Jewish website called with the title "Biblical Archeology: Sodom and Gomorrah" written by Rabbi Leibel Reznick that summarized the last hundred years or so of some archeology in the southern ... Continue


Prayer in the Church – Then & Now

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Prayer in the Church – Then & Now
On Wednesday Night, October 25th , we will continue our prayer study. For  background to our study, we are using "The Doctrine of Prayer" by T. W. Hunt. In chapter 7, he discusses how prayer was an important part of the early church.  We will make an overview of prayer ... Continue


500th Anniversary!

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on 500th Anniversary!
On Wednesday Night, October 18th, we will begin our celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Back in the early 16th century, a certain Catholic monk, priest, and professor after studying the New Testament became convinced that the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church had strayed a long ... Continue


Is Salvation an Event or a Process?

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Is Salvation an Event or a Process?
On Wednesday Night, October 4th, we will study what it means to be "Saved." Some people call it a "conversion", or a "rebirth", or an "experience of grace." For many people, the topic is uncomfortable to talk about because there are some Christians who talk about how they were saved ... Continue