
Can the Church hinder the 2nd Coming of Christ?

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On Wednesday Night, November 29th, we will try to understand the meaning of Matthew 24:14. I recently attended the annual Georgia Baptist Convention. Part of the annual meeting involves approving the budget for the next year. After the budget presentation, several people went to the microphones to ask questions and make comments. There were several comments about the decline in giving to International Missions and some questions about the percentage of money that the State convention was forwarding to the Southern Baptist Convention for International Missions.  The Georgia Baptist Mission Board Executive Director J. Robert White – acknowledged the steady decline of churches giving to the Cooperative Program. He reminded people that the Biblical definition of “the Tithe” is 10 percent of ones income; But the average amount that Baptists are currently giving is around 5 percent … about a nickel out of every dollar received. Dr White summarized: “You can’t reach the world on a nickel”.

After that discussion, a man at one of the microphones in the auditorium identified himself as a retired Southern Baptist International Missionary to Africa challenged the group to recommit themselves to giving to missions and going on mission because he said if we fail to evangelize the world, we as the church are hindering the Second Coming of Christ quoting Matthew 24:14  “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.”

Is that the proper interpretation of Matthew 24:14?  Can we as Christians and members of the Church actually hinder the plans and purposes of God?  Can we as Christians keep Jesus Christ from Returning to the earth in power and glory?

That will be our Question for the Evening.

Can the Church hinder the 2nd Coming of Christ?

  • No (82%, 14 Votes)
  • Yes (18%, 3 Votes)
  • Undecided (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 17

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