Pastor’s Blog


Hindrances to Effective Prayer

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, September 27th , we will continue our prayer study. For  background to our study, we are using "The Doctrine of Prayer" by T. W. Hunt. In chapter 6, he discusses some things that hinder our prayers. Occasionally, someone will say to me "I don't feel like my prayers ... Continue


What Causes Hurricanes?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, September 20th, we will study what the Bible has to say about natural disasters like Hurricanes. The topic is timely since this has been a very active year for hurricanes and since our church was closed last week because of power outages caused by Hurricane/Tropical Storm Irma. When ... Continue


Is “Christian Yoga” Christian?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, September 6th, we will be discussing "Christian Yoga." If you Google "Christian Yoga" one of the sites that rise to the top of the 31 million results is a website called They call themselves "A network of Christians practicing yoga to go to God the way God ... Continue


Mission Report

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Mission Report
This Wednesday night, August 30th, Carianne Whitlow will be sharing her mission experiences from her recent trip to the Holy Land. Please come to this presentation and be informed and inspired to be On Mission for our Lord Jesus Christ. Continue


The Ways People Pray

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on The Ways People Pray
On Wednesday Night, August 23rd , we will continue our prayer study. For the background to our study, we are using "The Doctrine of Prayer" by T. W. Hunt. In chapter 4, he discusses our methods of prayer.  Is there a "right" or "wrong" way to pray? The only "wrong" ... Continue


The Future of Healthcare

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on The Future of Healthcare
On Wednesday Night, August 16th , we will be taking a look at the future of healthcare in our nation. Prior to World War II, most people paid for their own healthcare. If you or your family were sick, you would go or take them to the Doctor or hospital ... Continue


What does it mean to pray “in the spirit”?

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on What does it mean to pray “in the spirit”?
On Wednesday Night, August 9th, we will continue our prayer study. We will focus our attention on "praying in the Spirit." Eph 6:18 tells us to be "praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit." In the Book of Jude verse 20 "But you, beloved, building yourselves up ... Continue


Are Microchips the Mark of the Beast?

Posted by Danny Jones | 3 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, August 2nd, we will be studying a new trend that is designed to make our lives more convenient. In our fast paced world it has become such a hassle to try to keep up with keys, codes, passwords, and credit cards to get to work, to enter ... Continue


Jesus, Our Example of Prayer

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Jesus, Our Example of Prayer
On Wednesday Night, July 26th, we will continue our prayer study. We will be reading "The Lord's Prayer" which begins with the words "Our Father." Jesus was using this Model Prayer to teach His followers to pray. By beginning the prayer with "Our Father", Jesus seemed to be teaching that ... Continue


Does Prayer really work?

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Does Prayer really work?
On Wednesday Night, July 19th, we will begin a study on prayer. A few years ago, I read an article in "Christianity Today" magazine with the title "God, M.D. - How Physicians and Scientists are Discovering the Healing Power of Prayer." For many years, medicine had kept religion at a ... Continue