Pastor’s Blog


Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, June 6th, we will study whether or not the Bible teaches that the Earth is Flat. A few weeks ago, I met a man wearing a T-Shirt that said "Bible says Flat Earth" on the front and on the back it said "200+ Flat Earth Bible Verses". ... Continue


The Millennium

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on The Millennium
On Wednesday Night, May 30th, we will discuss "The Millennium" or the one thousand year reign of Jesus Christ over all the earth at the end of the age. Not long ago, I received a magazine that was written to inform Christians that the teaching of "The Millennium" is heresy ... Continue


AWANA Awards Night !

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on AWANA Awards Night !
On Wednesday Night, May 16th, we will be celebrating another great year in AWANA.  Please come and encourage our children as they receive their awards from another exciting year of AWANA.  There will be a FREE Hotdog Dinner beginning at 5:30 – the Awards program begins at 6:30. Continue


The SBC & #MeToo

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on The SBC & #MeToo
On Wednesday Night, May 9th, we will discuss the current controversy concerning the Southern Baptist Convention and the #MeToo movement. According to CBN, "religion writer Jonathan Merritt [son of former President of the Southern Baptist Convention, Dr James Merritt] discovered a 2000 audio clip in which [Dr Paige Patterson, President ... Continue


The 2018 National Day of Prayer

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, May 2nd, we will talk about Christian involvement in the American political process. It is a timely topic because this Thursday is the National Day of Prayer and we are already in the season for Primaries for the Mid-Term Elections. I was recently listening to a Talk Radio ... Continue


Mission Report

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Mission Report
This Wednesday night, April 25th, Horace Fortner will be sharing his mission experiences from his recent trips to Central America. Please come to this presentation and be informed and inspired to be On Mission for our Lord Jesus Christ. Continue


Christian Parenting

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Christian Parenting
On Wednesday Night, April 18th , we will discuss Christian Parenting. I was recently given an article entitled "Parents, Take Note of the Spiritual Practices Common to Kids who Flourish as Adults" by Trevin Wax who is a writer for our Southern Baptist bookstore - Lifeway.  He writes about the ... Continue


The Slippery Slope

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, April 11th , we will consider the consequences of what happens when Christians decide that the Bible may not be true in all that is reports. Back in 1991, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) was formed because a small number of churches disagreed with the conservative resurgence within ... Continue


The Book of Life

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on The Book of Life
On Wednesday Night, April 4th, we will try to answer a question about "The Book of Life." This question comes from Rev 3: 5 "He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess ... Continue


Holy Week Quiz

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Holy Week Quiz
On Wednesday Night, March 28th, we will have a Holy Week Quiz. Since we've been studying the Gospel of Luke on Sunday Mornings - our Holy Week Quiz will be taken exclusively from Luke. Fear Not, it will be self graded! Even though Christians are very familiar with the Cross and ... Continue