Pastor’s Blog


Coronavirus Sermon FAQ

Posted by Danny Jones | 13 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, May 13th at 6:30 PM, we will try to answer some of the questions that have been asked following the Coronavirus Sermon on April 19th. The response to this sermon has been overwhelming. I apologize for the fact that there are not enough hours in the day ... Continue


Is it Too Late to Pray for America?

Posted by Danny Jones | 8 Comments »
Thursday, May 7th, is the National Day of Prayer. Tonight - Wednesday Night - we will be "live streaming" a message beginning at 7 PM. To prepare for this Bible Study & season of Prayer, you can read from Jeremiah 14:11 through 15:2. In Jeremiah's time, his nation was ... Continue


The April 19th Coronavirus Sermon

Posted by Danny Jones | 109 Comments »
Thank you for your overwhelming response to the April 19th Sermon. We are a country church in the suburbs of Gainesville, GA with an average attendance of 250 and a relatively small church staff. We apologize in advance if we are not able to respond to all of your calls, ... Continue


On Conspiracy Theories

Posted by Danny Jones | 51 Comments »
Last week,  Dr. Ed Stetzer who previously was the Executive Director for Lifeway Research (SBC) and who is now the Executive Director of the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College wrote an article for "Christianity Today" called "On Christians Spreading Corona Conspiracies: Gullibility is not a Spiritual Gift."  He accuses Christian Republicans of being "the most ... Continue


What can we do ??

Posted by Danny Jones | 9 Comments »
After my Sunday Sermon from 2 Thessalonians 2 on how the "Mystery of Lawlessness" (i.e. The Anti-Christ) is "already at work" around us - I've been asked "What can we do?"  Jesus was asked that question regularly when He lived among us in body ~2000 years ago.  At that ... Continue


Holy Saturday

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
As we complete another annual celebration and commemoration of Holy Week, we have studied the events in the life of our Lord on Palm Sunday, His teachings on Monday-Wednesday, the Last Supper - Lord's Supper on Thursday, His Crucifixion on Good Friday, and His Resurrection on Sunday - but what happened on Holy Saturday? While ... Continue


A Meditation for Good Friday

Posted by Danny Jones | 2 Comments »
A Meditation on the Crucifixion of Christ from the 4 Gospels: Jesus began His ministry by going to the Jordan River to be Baptized by John the Baptist. And when John saw  Him, he said  Joh 1:29 “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! 3 Years ... Continue


The Babylonian Captivity of the Church

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
There are certain events that happen in history that change what people know as "Normal."   There are watershed events that change the way we live and think and act and talk. Pearl Harbor in 1941,  Removing Prayer from School in 1962,  the Assassination of President Kennedy in 1963, the Civil ... Continue


Reflection on America’s Worst Pandemic

Posted by Danny Jones | 2 Comments »
America's worst pandemic was not the Coronavirus of 2020. It was the influenza pandemic of 1918. According to the CDC, over 675,000 Americans died during the 1918 Flu. As of March 31st, there have been 2,860 American who have died of Covid-19.  Also, in 1918, America was still involved in ... Continue


Coronavirus Update

Posted by Danny Jones | 4 Comments »
On March 16th, Pres. Trump issued some Coronavirus Guidelines restricting social gathering to 10 people or less and to maintain a minimum of 6 feet "social distancing" in order to "Slow the Spread of the Coronavirus." This order was to be in effect for 15 days (or until March 30th). ... Continue