
Coronavirus Update

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On March 16th, Pres. Trump issued some Coronavirus Guidelines restricting social gathering to 10 people or less and to maintain a minimum of 6 feet “social distancing” in order to “Slow the Spread of the Coronavirus.” This order was to be in effect for 15 days (or until March 30th). On March 23rd, Georgia Gov. Kemp continued these restrictions until April 6th, which is the Monday after Palm Sunday.

Therefore between now and Palm Sunday, instead of Northlake Baptist Church being the “church gathered” on Sundays and Wednesdays – we will continue to be the “church scattered.”

Since Wednesday is our normal “Prayer Meeting” night – I want to share a prayer verse with you today.

Exodus 15:26 [The LORD is speaking through Moses to the Children of Israel and says] “If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you.”

In this verse, the LORD reveals another one of His names to us which reveals His character. The LORD calls Himself – Yehovah Rapha = “I am the LORD who heals you.”  In this strange season that we are living in – a season of pandemic, of sickness, of death, and of panic, it is great to know that our God heals.

-Let us pray that the Lord will send His healing power and heal our people and our nation.
-Let us pray to the Lord for Mercy – because our nation is not keeping the first part of that verse… “diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes.”
-Let us take some time during our time off to “be still and know that He is God” and to pray for repentance and forgiveness and healing in our land.

Until we meet again, I want to thank the LORD and thank you for your faithfulness to continue to be THE CHURCH even though we are restricted from meeting in person at this time.
-Thank you to Derek, Matt, Corbin, Bert, and Tim who are producing our online worship services and helping our Sunday School classes figure out ideas to keep us connected.
-Thank you to our Deacons who are reaching out to our Senior Saints.
-Thank you to our Sunday School Teachers and members who are calling and caring for each other.
-Thank you to Letsa and Alycia who are keeping the office open and answering the phones to keep us connected.

Again, we are utilizing our Northlake Email Prayer Chain to try to keep everyone informed of prayer requests and other information. If you are not receiving the Northlake Email, please call the office. And be sure and check your email occasionally.

Please help me pray that this coronavirus will soon “passover” us and that we may soon be able to gather together again.  May the Lord continue to Bless you,

Pastor Danny