Pastor’s Blog


The Cure for Social Injustice

Posted by Danny Jones | 5 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, July 29th, at 6:30pm, we will consider the Cure for Social Injustice. Back in June, we studied the "Social Justice" issues that have been making the headlines since the Death of George Floyd on May 25th in Minneapolis. In that study we discovered that the Southern Baptist ... Continue


Discipleship is NOT Rocket Science

Posted by Danny Jones | 3 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, July 22nd, at 6:30pm, we will study "Christian Discipleship." Since the COVID-19 pandemic has forced churches like ours to offer our services "online", our messages have reached far beyond our local area. We have received messages from people around the country and a few from around the ... Continue


Is wearing a Mask a precursor to the Mark of the Beast?

Posted by Danny Jones | 15 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, July 15th, at 6:30 pm, we will discuss the wearing of face masks and other face coverings. I have received several requests to discuss this topic. Americans have been enduring a variety of COVID-19 restrictions since about March 15th. Most people had hoped that the pandemic would ... Continue


How to Study the Bible

Posted by Danny Jones | 2 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, July 8th, at 6:30 pm, we will have a Bible Study about Bible Study.  I have recently been asked to share my Bible Study methods. How do I prepare Sermons? How long does it take to prepare a Sermon?     I believe it is important to begin your Bible Study with a ... Continue


Choosing a Bible Translation

Posted by Danny Jones | 7 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, July 1st, at 6:30 pm, we will discuss Bible Translations. I've been asked several times during the past year by parents and grandparents about purchasing a Bible for a young person. There are so many Bible translations in bookstores and it can be very confusing to know ... Continue


VBS 2020

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on VBS 2020
This week, June 22nd - 26th  - is Vacation Bible School at Northlake Baptist Church !  The theme is "Concrete & Cranes - Philippians 1:6" . For most churches in most years, Vacation Bible School is the single most evangelistic on-campus outreach event of the year. However, ... Continue


What is your Opinion of the Bible?

Posted by Danny Jones | 4 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, June 17, at 6:30pm we will be discussing our "Opinion of the Bible." There are various views concerning the Bible. Since we live in a "Post-Christian" society, many people see the Bible as just another book. Some Christians would say that the Bible IS the Word of ... Continue


“Social Justice: WWJD? “

Posted by Danny Jones | 2 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, Jun 10th, at 6:30, we will discuss – "Social Justice: What Would Jesus Do?" The death of George Floyd on May 25th in Minneapolis became some kind of tipping point. Maybe it is the long list of incidents where the police have used excessive force. Maybe it ... Continue


The Coronavirus & Agenda 2030

Posted by Danny Jones | 5 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, Jun 3rd, at 6:30pm - we will discuss "The Coronavirus and The UN Agenda 2030." In my earlier sermon, "Is this Coronavirus a Sign of the End of the World?" – I answered that I did not think that this COVID-19 pandemic was one of the plagues ... Continue


How to Pray for America

Posted by Danny Jones | 4 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, May 20th at 6:30 pm, we will be discussing "How to Pray for America." As we studied earlier on the National Day of Prayer from the Prophet Jeremiah, there does come a time in the history of nations when God says "Judgment Day is here - It's ... Continue