Pastor’s Blog


Deacon Selection

Posted by Danny Jones | 2 Comments »
      Since this is the season for Deacon Selection at Northlake Baptist church - there have been several questions about the process; therefore, this Wednesday Night (July 27th) we will be discussing various ways of selecting deacons.  We will look at how Northlake current does this and we will compare/contrast ... Continue


Basic Bible Teaching 2

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Basic Bible Teaching 2
Last week, we introduced "Discovery Bible Study."   I learned about this at a Chattahoochee Baptist Association's Key Leader Training last year.  The session leader was Joe Hernandez - a church planter with the North American Mission Board.  He told the story of  IMB missionary David Watson.   David Watson had been sent ... Continue


Basic Bible Teaching

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
Beginning Wednesday, July 6th,  (and continuing for several weeks)  I will be previewing my new teacher training program. It is designed to help people who have never taught a class before to learn the basics of Bible teaching.  And as I have done with several other programs - I like ... Continue



Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Missions
On Wednesday Night - June 29th - Laura Hamilton will be sharing some highlights from her mission trip to the Dominican Republic.  Following her presentation, we will look at some recent developments in our own nation that remind us of the need to stay "On Mission." Continue


Birth Control?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
Our Wednesday Night Topic for June 22nd will be Birth Control. Several months ago a newly wed couple asked me "Should Christians practice Birth Control?"  Apparently, they had made the decision to delay having children until the husband was a little more established in his job and they had paid ... Continue


How Poor is Poor?

Posted by Danny Jones | 2 Comments »
Our Wednesday Night Topic for the 15th of June will be Poverty. Caring for the poor and needy is a large part of fulfilling the 2nd commandment to "Love your neighbor."  Even in the Old Testament, believers were commanded to help the poor - Deuteronomy 15:11 "For the poor will ... Continue


Are YOU a Saint ?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
"Are you a Saint?"  will be our Bible Study Topic for Wednesday Night, June 8th. On May 1, 2011, Pope John Paul II was "beatified" which moves him one step closer to sainthood. According to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church - becoming a saint is a complicated process. ... Continue


What causes Storms?

Posted by Danny Jones | 3 Comments »
The Associated Press reports that  the death toll for the monster tornado ( EF5 packing 200-m.p.h. winds)  in Joplin, Missouri  on Sunday May 22 has risen to at least 139. That makes this the deadliest year for tornadoes since 1953, based on an assessment of figures from the National Weather ... Continue


The Land of Israel

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on The Land of Israel
Our study for Wednesday Night, May 25th,  will center around the Land of Israel.  Once again, the Land of Israel is in the news because President Obama is encouraging Israel to consider returning to it's 1967 borders in order to make peace with it's Palestinian neighbors.  We will be looking at  ... Continue


AWANA Awards Night

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on AWANA Awards Night
Wednesday Night - May 18th - our Bible Study will be superseded by our AWANA Awards Night.  Let's come together and congratulate these students for being  "A"pproved   "W"orkmen who   "A"re   "N"ot   "A"shamed" (2 Timothy 2:15). Continue