Pastor’s Blog


What happens to Christians after they die?

Posted by Danny Jones | 3 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, May 11th, I've been asked to lead a Bible study on "What happens to Christians after they die?".  How do all the Bible teachings about death, eternal life, judgment, heaven, etc.   all fit together? To get us started thinking about this study, please give your best answer to the ... Continue


Are Sports Sinful?

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Are Sports Sinful?
Wednesday Night - May 4th - our Bible study will be directed at answering the question "Are Sports Sinful?"   We will be comparing the attitudes of Early Christians and Modern Christians towards Sport.   And as always, we will consult the Word of God to determine the proper priority that sports ... Continue


Should Northlake be a “Covenant” Church?

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Should Northlake be a “Covenant” Church?
On April 27th,  our Wednesday night Bible Study will center around Covenant churches. Recently, one of our members was telling me about one of his family members who was helping start a new church.  The new church would not only be Southern Baptist -  it would also be a "Covenant" ... Continue


“Love Wins” ?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
Our Study for Wednesday Night, April 20th- centers around a controversial new book called "Love Wins."  The book was written by Rob Bell, pastor of the 10,000-member Mars Hill Bible Church near Grand Rapids, Mich.  The full title of the book is  "Love Wins: A book about Heaven, Hell, and the Fate ... Continue


Burning The Koran vs The Bible – Answers

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Burning The Koran vs The Bible – Answers
What would Jesus Do?   I think Jesus would direct us to Jeremiah 36  to look at a case study of Bible Burning Jer 36:1-7;  20-26  1st Point - GOD uses Men to give Men His Word-  Jer 36:  2 "Take a scroll of a book and write on it all the            words ... Continue


Burning The Koran vs The Bible

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Burning The Koran vs The Bible
Wednesday Night Bible Study for April 13th, 2011 - In a recent edition of the NBC News program "Hardball",  NBC Chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd was interviewing Bobby Ghosh from Time Magazine. Ghosh said "the thing to keep in mind that's very important here is that the Koran to Muslims, it ... Continue


Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
On Wednesday Night - April 6th , our Missions Team will be leading our Week of Prayer for North American Missions. Please come and become more informed about our missionaries who serve through the North American Mission Board (NAMB)  and begin praying now about how you will contribute to our ... Continue


Signs of the Times

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Signs of the Times
On Wednesday Night, March 30th , we will be looking at the current conflict in North Africa and the Middle East. From the secular media, we get the story that the people are rising up against their dictators and demanding freedom. But could there be another explanation?  Bring your Bibles ... Continue


E.T – Notes

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on E.T – Notes
Do you believe we have been visited by Extra-Terrestrials?    If NOT – HOW were these Huge Prehistoric Monuments built? The underlying assumption behind the ET/Ancient Alien Theorists – is Evolution!    That Man evolved from Slow Thinking, Slow Moving, Neanderthal Cavemen – who were bearly able to stand-up by themselves –  much less able ... Continue



Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
Our Wednesday Night question for March 23 is: "Have we been visited by Extra-Terrestrials?"  Recently, the History Channel has been showing a series called "Ancient Aliens." These shows feature a Swiss author named Erich von Däniken who wrote a book called Chariots of the Gods? in 1968 which became an ... Continue