Pastor’s Blog


The Genealogy of Jesus ?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
     On Wednesday Night, December 14th, we will be studying the Genealogy of Jesus. Since we are once again in the Christmas season, it is not unusual for Christians to read the Bible stories concerning the birth of Jesus. As you are reading in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, ... Continue


Week of Prayer

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Week of Prayer
Wednesday Night - December 7th - Week of Prayer for International Missions.  Special Guest Speakers - Donald C and Family, who are missionaries with the International Missions Board of the Southern Baptist Convention,  will be sharing their missions experiences with us. Continue


“Which Works have the Most Heavenly Rewards? “

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on “Which Works have the Most Heavenly Rewards? “
Happy Thanksgiving! Because of the Holiday, we will not be having our Wednesday Night Bible Study on November 23rd. We will resume our studies on November 30th - and our topic will be "Which Works have the Most Heavenly Rewards?"   Jesus taught in His famous "Sermon on the Mount" that ... Continue


Is it a sin for Christians to eat meat?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
   For Wednesday Night, November 16th   …  the Wednesday Night before Thanksgiving week - we will be discussing whether or not it is sinful for Christians to eat meat. It has come to our attention that there is a group of Christians who believe it is wrong to kill and ... Continue


Have Christians Missed Christ’s Message?

Posted by Danny Jones | 2 Comments »
     For Wednesday Night, November 9th, we will be discussing a recent challenge to Evangelical Christians by Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program. He said: "I don’t usually do this but I am going to do it now because it seems that Christianity is constantly being thrown into ... Continue


Are you a Witness?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
     For Wednesday, November 2 --->   According to Acts 1:8 our Risen Lord says that once we are saved… once the Holy Spirit has come upon us, we ARE to be Witnesses… able to give others a first person account of what it means to be saved through faith in Jesus ... Continue


Trunk or Treat

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Trunk or Treat
Wednesday Night - Oct 26th - our Bible Study Group will not be meeting - so we can participate in fall festival fun with the children of our church and community.  See you There! Continue


Is Mormonism a Cult?

Posted by Danny Jones | 4 Comments »
      On Wednesday night, Oct 19th, we will be discussing Mormonism. Mormonism has been in the news recently because 2 Republican Presidential candidates-Mitt Romney & Jon Huntsman- are Mormons.       On Oct 7, Dr. Robert Jeffress, Pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, introduced Gov. Rick Perry at a Values ... Continue


Danny’s response to proposed SBC Name Change

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Danny’s response to proposed SBC Name Change
Maybe I'm too Conservative, Too Traditional - but I don't agree with all this Name Change - Image Building -  Political Correctness business that is so much a part of our World Today. Our leadership seems to think that the reason the Southern Baptist Convention is "plateauing" in Baptisms and Membership is ... Continue


SBC Name Change

Posted by Danny Jones | 4 Comments »
On Wednesday night, October 12th, we've been asked to discuss the recent news that the Southern Baptist Convention is considering a name change.  SBC President Bryant Wright has announced that he has formed a Task Force to study the possibility of changing the name of the denomination.  A brief summary of  the ... Continue