
Deacon Selection

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      Since this is the season for Deacon Selection at Northlake Baptist church – there have been several questions about the process; therefore, this Wednesday Night (July 27th) we will be discussing various ways of selecting deacons.  We will look at how Northlake current does this and we will compare/contrast this with the way other churches select deacons.  And if – as a result of this discussion – we come up with a better way to select deacons – our Church Bylaws allow for changes to the bylaws under  “Article IX – Amendments.” 

      The Bible gives alot of guidance to us about the character and qualifications of Deacons, but the Bible does NOT give us a specific standard operating procedure on how to choose church leaders.  In Acts 6:3, the Apostles told the “multitude” or congregation to “seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit, and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.”   Unfortunately, it does not say HOW they “sought out” these leaders.  We don’t know if they were “nominated from the floor”, or  if a “nominating committee was appointed,”  or if democratic elections were held, or if they “cast lots” (Act 1:26).   In Paul’s Letters to Timothy and Titus, it seems like Paul was telling these pastors (or church planters) to choose the leaders of the church – see 1Timothy 5:22, 2Timothy 2:2, and Titus 1:5.

      From these general scriptures about church leadership, a variety of methods of Deacon Selection have developed over time. 

-In some churches, the Pastor chooses the Deacons.

-In some churches, they choose Deacons by popular vote.  Every man in the church over 18 years old has their name put on a ballot and the top vote getters become church deacons.  

-In some churches, the Deacons are selected by a committee. The “committee” may consist of Deacons or a nominating committee may be appointed by the church. This committee checks the qualifications of the nominees and then makes their selection. The committee then brings the names of the nominees to the church for approval (or disapproval) at a business meeting.

Please choose in the poll below the selection method that you believe is the most Biblical, spiritual, and fair.  If you choose #6, please leave a comment on how you think the church should choose Deacons. 

What Method do you choose for Deacon Selection?

  • Combination of the Above (44%, 11 Votes)
  • Popular Vote by the Church (24%, 6 Votes)
  • Let a Committee select and Church approve (24%, 6 Votes)
  • Let the Deacons select (4%, 1 Votes)
  • None of the Above (4%, 1 Votes)
  • Let the Pastor select (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 25

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