
Are you a Witness?

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     For Wednesday, November 2 —>   According to Acts 1:8 our Risen Lord says that once we are saved… once the Holy Spirit has come upon us, we ARE to be Witnesses… able to give others a first person account of what it means to be saved through faith in Jesus Christ. BUT there seems to be a breakdown somewhere.

     The most recent statistics from the Southern Baptist Convention tell us that it takes 47 Southern Baptists to lead 1 person to Christ and receive baptism. Northlake Baptist Church statistics are not much better. The Northlake baptism ratio of Total Members is 40:1. The Northlake baptism ratio of “Active” members is a little better at 17:1. The reason these ratio’s are so sad is because of a statistic that Dr. Darrell Robinson (former Vice President of Evangelism for the North American Mission Board of the SBC) used to cite – “95% of Southern Baptist never witness.” That is, they.. WE never share OUR faith in Jesus Christ with a lost (or Unchurched) person.

     There are a variety of reasons that people give for NOT witnessing. Many times it is “I don’t know how!”   Wednesday night we are changing that! The Georgia Baptist Convention has recently released “59 MET” – which stands for “59 Minute Evangelism Training.”  So, Wednesday night in 59 minutes or less – we will be training each other on how to be an effective witness.

     In order to prepare for this session, please complete the following statement and feel free to post a comment.

During the last 12 months,

I have shared my faith in Jesus Christ with:

  • No One (35%, 6 Votes)
  • 1-6 People (29%, 5 Votes)
  • +12 People (24%, 4 Votes)
  • 6-12 People (12%, 2 Votes)

Total Voters: 17

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