
Theology in our Music

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Hello Northlake, this is Kyle. As most of you know, Brother Danny is up in Dahlonega looking out for the freshmen at Frog Week, so I’ll be conducting this week’s Wednesday Night Discussion. Our topic for the evening is “Theology in our Music.”

In our world, more music is being written than ever. The same is true for Christian music. Northlake’s CCLI copyright license gives us access to more than 300,000 Christian songs, and that doesn’t include many of the thousands of new songs published each year by Christian companies such as LifeWay, Lillenas, Brentwood-Benson, Word, and many others. Add that to the multiplied hundreds of songs in the various hymnals available, and the number of songs to choose from gets big really quickly.

With so many choices, there are bound to be some that are not as sound in doctrine as others. It is easy to be drawn in by the sound or style of a song without taking time to discern the meaning.

This Wednesday night we will discuss how we should choose the music we sing and listen to, discerning whether or not it is appropriate. Please take time to answer the poll and be ready to discuss songs that you have questions about. I can’t wait to hear from you.

Have you ever heard a "Christian" song that contained questionable doctrine?

  • Yes (93%, 13 Votes)
  • Not Sure (7%, 1 Votes)
  • No (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 14

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