Pastor’s Blog


Should Christians try to Convert Jews?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, November 16th, we will have a discussion about Judaism. One of our members recently met a new friend who happens to be Jewish. They can easily talk about almost everything in life - except religion. Our member asked me about how a Christian can share their faith ... Continue


Climate Change

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, November 2nd, we will discuss Manmade Climate Change. As Americans go to the polls to elect a President on November 8th,  this issue of Manmade Climate Change is one of the areas where the two major parties have major differences.  The Democrats see Manmade Climate Change as ... Continue


Biblical Archaeology

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, October 26th, we will discuss Biblical Archaeology.  Is Biblical Archaeology important to our Faith? It seems like several times each year that archaeologists working on a "dig" somewhere in the Middle East find something that relates to some event recorded in the Bible. Recently, I received a ... Continue


Are you going to Heaven?

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Are you going to Heaven?
On Wednesday Night, October 19th, we will study "Eternal Security."  Southern Baptists are known for their belief in "once saved always saved." Some other Christian denominations teach that it is possible to be saved and then get involved in some sin and "lose your salvation." Both claim to have verses ... Continue


Courtship or Dating?

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Courtship or Dating?
On Wednesday Night, October 12th, we will discuss Courtship and Dating. I have been asked to present this discussion because there are some very strong opinions in the Christian Community about which form of Marriage preparation is the most Biblical, proper, and practical for making successful marriages. Dating is the idea of ... Continue


Knowing God

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Knowing God
On Wednesday Night, September 28th, we will discuss our knowledge of God (aka Theology!) For some people, this is a very important subject. For others, it may take some time for theology to become an important subject. But as Mark Twain said in his own sarcastic way "man is a ... Continue


Sharing Your Faith

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Sharing Your Faith
On Wednesday Night, September 21st, we will practice "Sharing our Faith". Being ready to share our faith is a basic part of the Christian life. It is a commandment from the Lord. In Acts 1:8, Jesus said before He ascended into Heaven following the Resurrection, "you shall receive power when ... Continue


Creation vs Evolution

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Creation vs Evolution
On Wednesday Night, September 14th, Derek Moore will be leading a discussion about the importance of the Creation account in Genesis. Some Christians believe that a proper understanding of Creation is essential to our understanding the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Others believe that the origins of the universe is a ... Continue


Church & Cultural Demographics

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Church & Cultural Demographics
On Wednesday Night, Sep 7th , we will be studying some demographics. I recently had 2 articles "hit my inbox" on the same day about two large demographic groups in our society. The first article was about a 75 million person group called  "Millennials" who were born between 1980 and 2000 ... Continue


Mission Report

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Mission Report
This Wednesday Night, Aug 31st , Mary Ruth Davis will be sharing her mission experiences from her summer mission trip to several locations in Asia. Please come to this presentation and be informed and inspired to be "On Mission" for our Lord Jesus Christ.   Continue