
Sharing Your Faith

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On Wednesday Night, September 21st, we will practice “Sharing our Faith”. Being ready to share our faith is a basic part of the Christian life. It is a commandment from the Lord. In Acts 1:8, Jesus said before He ascended into Heaven following the Resurrection, “you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” In the Apostle Paul’s letter to Timothy (2Ti 4:2), he told Timothy to always be ready to share his faith in Christ and to “be instant in season, [and] out of season.”  This is great advice because you never know the time or circumstance when you will need to share your faith.

When I was in seminary, Dr. Paige Patterson was our president & also one of my professors. One day in class, he shared a story about his father. When Dr. Patterson’s father was a teenager, he and some of his buddies went to the river one hot Texas Sunday afternoon to swim and hang out. While they were there – a car came speeding down the road and went out of control and hit the bridge. The driver – a young man – was thrown out of the car.  Dr. Patterson’s father and friends ran up to the bridge – and found this young man bleeding badly and dying quickly.  He began to groan “I don’t want to die – I need to be saved – somebody help me.”  All the boys were Church members. All had been to Sunday School and Church that same morning, but not one of them knew how to tell this dying man how to be Saved. So they just stood there, silent, as this young man’s life slipped away.

Dr. Patterson’s  father went home that day and committed himself to learn to be a soul winner and after that experience, he led many people to the LORD.

Our question for the evening – if you came upon a similar scene, this Sunday afternoon,

Can you tell a dying man how to be saved?

  • Yes (100%, 17 Votes)
  • No (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 17

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