Pastor’s Blog


Where is Magog?

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Where is Magog?
On Wednesday Night, September 25th, we will discuss Gog and Magog. One of our members was recently reading in Ezekiel 38 & 39 and asked about this prophecy concerning an invasion of the Land of Israel by a King named Gog from the Land of Magog. We will try to answer ... Continue


Progressive Christianity

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Progressive Christianity
On Wednesday Night, September 18th , we will discuss "Progressive Christianity." After a recent article in "Decision Magazine", I have had several requests to compare and contrast progressive Christianity with our traditional Baptist understanding of Christianity.  If you go to, you will discover that "Progressive Christianity" was founded in 1994 ... Continue


What is Wicca ?

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on What is Wicca ?
On Wednesday Night, September 11th, we will discuss the Wiccan Religion. One of our church members has some family members who practice Wicca and has asked us to discuss this topic and offer some suggestions on how to share the Gospel of Christ with Wiccans. According to, "Wicca is a ... Continue


Evangelism: Spontaneous or Relational?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, September 4th, we will discuss the effectiveness of the two major methods of Evangelism. One method is called Spontaneous or Street or Door-to-Door Evangelism. The other is called Relational or Friendship Evangelism. One thing is sure about evangelism. Christians are supposed to do it.  Mat 28: 19 [Jesus said] ... Continue


Modern Methods of Evangelism ?

Posted by Danny Jones | 2 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, , we will discuss Methods of Evangelism. In 1 Corinthians 22, the Apostle Paul writes "I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some."  In other words, the Apostle Paul seems to be willing to try "all means" or all ... Continue


Love your Enemies?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, August 21st, we will have a guest speaker who will be teaching from Matthew 5:44-48 concerning our Christian responsibility to "love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you."   This is a timely topic to study, think, ... Continue


The End of Christianity in the USA?

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on The End of Christianity in the USA?
On Wednesday Night,  we will discuss "The End of Christianity in the USA."  Back in June 2019, Gerald Seib, one of the Editors for The Wall Street Journal wrote an article called "Cradles, Pews, and the Societal Shifts Coming to Politics - Consequences are big as church attendance declines and ... Continue


Should Christians support Israel?

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Should Christians support Israel?
On Wednesday Night, July 31st, we will discuss the nation of Israel. One of our members sent me an article from with the title "Evangelical support for Israel is declining, especially among millennials." The Christian Post quotes a Lifeway Research survey that says 77% of evangelicals 65 and older ... Continue


Critical Race Theory

Posted by Danny Jones | 3 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, July 24th, we will discuss a controversial resolution that was approved by the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in June 2019 in Birmingham, AL. Resolution #9 stated that Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality could be employed by Southern Baptists as "analytical tools" to help us with racial reconciliation ... Continue


Gender Dysphoria

Posted by Danny Jones | 2 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, July 17th, we have been asked to discuss how Christians should minister to people who are struggling with Gender Dysphoria. According to wikipedia, gender dysphoria is "the distress a person feels due to their birth-assigned sex and gender not matching their gender identity." In recent years, this ... Continue