Pastor’s Blog


Call His name JESUS

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Call His name JESUS
This Wednesday night... the last Wednesday night before Christmas, we will be studying the NAME of Jesus.  In Biblical times, names were given to children to define character. What kind of character is involved in the name "Jesus"?   Matthew 1: 20-23 ' angel of the Lord appeared to [Joseph] in ... Continue


“Once saved….?”

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on “Once saved….?”
      From our Wednesday night study (12/9/10) of the Scripture,  we determined that a believers salvation is eternally secure. Even though there are many Christians and Christian groups that teach that a believer can fall from grace or lose their salvation – we read John 10:27-28 where the Lord says ... Continue


Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Happy Thanksgiving!
The Bible tells us that it is Gods Will for us to be Thankful.  1 Thessalonians 5:18 says "In every thing GIVE THANKS: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."  In EVERY THING?  Yes, be thankful to the Lord for both Good times and Bad. ... Continue


The Overton Window

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on The Overton Window
     11/10/10 - I've been asked to lead a discussion about the Overton Window. The Overton Window became popular back in June when Glenn Beck released a novel by the same name. This is not an advertisement for Beck or his book. I've seen the book and it seemed a ... Continue


The Great Commission

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on The Great Commission
       Most Christians who have read the New Testament are aware that the Great Commission is part of our Christian calling.  Jesus Christ first calls us to Discipleship – to come and follow Him, then He commmands/commissions us to become Missionaries - to  "GO therefore and make disciples of all ... Continue


Unbelievers know most about Belief?

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Unbelievers know most about Belief?
Last Wednesday –10/20/2010- we discussed a recent article in the Georgia Baptist paper, The Christian Index - entitled "Poll finds Unbelievers know the most about Belief."   The poll concluded that Agnostics, Atheists, Jews, and Mormons know more about beliefs than "Mainline" Christians. The good news is that most of our ... Continue



Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
Last night, Oct 13, was a lively discussion about Preachers & Politics - I've included my closing comments below. To get you prepared for next week - we will be discussing a recent article in the Georgia Baptist paper, The Christian Index - entitled "Poll finds Unbelievers know the most about ... Continue


Preachers and Politics

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
    Please pray for me and for the congregation at First Baptist Church of Chula, GA as I go to preach in their Revival meetings on Sunday night through Wednesday night, October 3-6. When I return, I am planning to lead a discussion about Christians and Politics on October 13th.  ... Continue


Medical Technology

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Medical Technology
Medical Technology (like Genetic Engineering) has advanced to the point that "black and white" answers get blurred to shades of gray. But with all the different scenarios that we discussed during the Bible study, some ethical clarity can still be found by returning to the bedrock Christian principles of the ... Continue


Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on
As advertised, this weeks Wednesday Night topic will be about medical technology and healing. So study the Scriptures, do some research, and be prepared to answer some questions - like:  Is Modern Medicine a gift of God or scientists playing God? Is it right to seek medical treatment or should we just "Trust ... Continue