Pastor’s Blog


Surgical Sabbatical !

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
For the Next 3 Wednesday Nights - I will be taking a "surgical sabbatical".  We are blessed to have talented people in our church ready to step up and lead.  On Aug 1st,  Horace F. will be giving us an update on his mission trip; on Aug 8th, Laura H. will ... Continue


Christian Romance ?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday, July 25th, we will be discussing Romance. One of the members of our Wednesday Night discussion group was reading his Daily Devotional Bible and read the "the Song of Solomon." He said he was not sure how to interpret this book.  The interpretation of The Song of Solomon ... Continue


How do we make “Disciples”?

Posted by Danny Jones | 3 Comments »
On Wednesday, July 18th, we will be discussing Discipleship.  Recently, I have been appointed to the "Church Strengthening Team" of the Chattachoochee Baptist Association.  The goal of the team is to plan for the CBA to assist churches in fulfilling the "Great Commission" mandate from Jesus Christ of making disciples, maturing disciples, ... Continue


SBC Feud over Calvinism

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night -July 11th - we will be discussing the "SBC feud over Calvinism."  On June 19-20th, the Southern Baptist Convention held its annual meeting in New Orleans. In one way, this convention was one of the most historic - the SBC unanimously elected its 1st Black President - ... Continue


Vacation Bible School !!

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Vacation Bible School !!
Please come and participate in the "Amazing Wonders" (Psa 147:5) Vacation Bible School this week at Northlake Baptist Church.  It starts each evening at 5:30pm. Continue


Is it ever OK to tell a Lie?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday night, June 20th, we will try to answer the question - "Is it ever OK to tell a Lie?"  Recently, our adult Sunday School Lessons have led us through a study of Joshua. Joshua chapter 2 records the story of Rahab and the spies. After a thorough discussion ... Continue


How do we receive eternal salvation?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, June 13th - we will be studying a quote from Philippians 2:12  "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." What does this mean?  Does the salvation that we have in Jesus Christ come to us by Grace or by Works?        In Ephesians 2:8, the Apostle ... Continue


Seventy Times Seven

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Seventy Times Seven
On Sunday Night, June 10th,  6:30 to 8 PM., we will have a special presentation from our Drama Team called "Seventy Times Seven" - a compelling, modern-day drama of tragedy and hope revisiting the age-old question posed by the Apostle Peter...  How many times must I forgive?   This drama was written ... Continue



Posted by Danny Jones | 4 Comments »
On Wednesday Night - May 30th - we will be discussing "Shunning". I recently received an email concerning a situation at a 19,000 member Baptist mega-church on the west coast.      Apparently one of their church members (approximately 25 years old) had committed a sin and it had been reported to ... Continue


The Gospel Project

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on The Gospel Project
This Wednesday Night, May 23rd,  Richard Edfelt will be the Guest Speaker.  Richard is a former Minister of Education at Northlake and currently works for Lifeway.  He will be coming to share with us about the new cirriculum that Lifeway is producing for Sunday School and small groups called "The ... Continue