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On Wednesday Night – May 30th – we will be discussing “Shunning”. I recently received an email concerning a situation at a 19,000 member Baptist mega-church on the west coast.

     Apparently one of their church members (approximately 25 years old) had committed a sin and it had been reported to the pastor and other church leaders. The article said the church leaders had tried to lead this member to repentance but he had not been cooperative with the “church discipline contract”. Therefore, church leaders took the next step called “shunning” or asking all church members to “cut him off from all social interaction until he repents.”     

     Some of the members of this church quit attending the church over this and other similar incidents. They reported it to the local newspapers saying they “experienced religious trauma…  the church has grown into a bully… heavy handed church leadership… it’s abuse on a large scale…” 

     The Question for this evening,

Should Christian Churches practice SHUNNING?

  • No (79%, 11 Votes)
  • Yes (21%, 3 Votes)

Total Voters: 14

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