Pastor’s Blog


Suicide Prevention

Posted by Danny Jones | 11 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, June 2nd, at 6:30pm, we will have a study on Suicide. I remember reading the New York Times headlines in April 2016 that said "'U.S. Suicide Rate Surges to a 30-Year High'... Suicide for the last several decades has been on the increase... According to the CDC, ... Continue


Secret Societies ?

Posted by Danny Jones | 4 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, May 19th, at 6:30pm, we will have a study about "Secret Societies." We have received several requests to discuss a variety of secretive organizations - from QAnon and the KKK to Western Esotericism and Freemasonry - from the Yale University Fraternity "Skull & Bones" to the Bilderberg ... Continue


The Trinity

Posted by Danny Jones | 7 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, May 12th, we will study The Trinity. The first hymn in our hymnbook that we often sing says "Holy, Holy, Holy - merciful and mighty - God in three Persons - blessed Trinity."  And while we sing it, we have trouble understanding it. How can God be ... Continue


The Ark of the Covenant

Posted by Danny Jones | 6 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, May 5th, at 6:30pm, we will have a study about "The Ark of the Covenant." The Ark of the Covenant was a special box which was first mentioned in the Bible in Exodus 25. The Ark was designed to hold the Ten Commandments and other sacred objects. ... Continue


Under New Management: Regeneration & Sanctification

Posted by Matt Williams | Comments Off on Under New Management: Regeneration & Sanctification
Following up on Pastor Matt’s Sunday message from Romans 3 on “justification,” Pastor Corbin will address the related ideas of regeneration and sanctification from Romans 6. Often in church we say things like “Once Saved, Always Saved” or “I got saved” or “come forward this morning and be saved”. While these are helpful phrases ... Continue


The Coronavirus Sermon Anniversary

Posted by Danny Jones | 13 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, April 21st, at 6:30pm, we will have an update on the sermon from April 19. 2020 "Is this Coronavirus a Sign of the End of the World?"  On that date last year, we were already about one month into a year of radical changes in the lives of people in our state, ... Continue


The Theology of Senator Warnock

Posted by Danny Jones | 12 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, April 14th, at 6:30pm, we will have a study about the Theology of U.S. Senator from Georgia Raphael Warnock.  Senator Warnock who is also the Pastor of the Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta tweeted on Easter Sunday "the meaning of Easter is more transcendent than the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Whether ... Continue


Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead?

Posted by Danny Jones | 5 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, April 7th, at 6:30pm, we will have a study about the Reality of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Last Sunday was Resurrection Day -  a day of Celebration for the Christian… for the Believer… for the Faithful. But Easter has also been a Day of Doubting ... Continue


Good Friday

Posted by Danny Jones | 5 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, March 31st, at 6:30pm, we will try to answer the question - Did Jesus Die on Good Friday?  In Matthew 12:40, Jesus said "for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three ... Continue


Should Christians be Preppers?

Posted by Danny Jones | 10 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, March 24th, at 6:30pm, we will try to answer the question " Should Christians be Preppers?" It is difficult to pinpoint what started people to "prepping."  But all across America, thousands of people are stocking up on food, water, medical supplies, weapons, ammo, gold, and silver. ... Continue