Pastor’s Blog


Wednesday Night Service Cancelled

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Wednesday Night Service Cancelled
Due to inclement weather we are canceling church services for this evening, Wednesday, January 20th.  Continue


One Generation Away

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on One Generation Away
On Wednesday Night, January 20th , the Northlake Community Impact Team will be presenting a video called "One Generation Away." The title of the video is a partial quote from former President Ronald Reagan who said "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it ... Continue


Free Will & Choices

Posted by Danny Jones | 5 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, Jan 13th , we will be discussing "Human Free Will." The Sovereignty of God and the Free Will of Man have been controversial subjects throughout history. Churches have split and denominations have been built over this subject - so I doubt that we will solve it Wednesday ... Continue


To Tithe or Not to Tithe?

Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, Jan 6th, we will be discussing "Tithing." Recently, one of our members asked me about a Christian website that offers Biblical questions and answers. I went to the site and clicked on a few questions and most of their answers seemed to be doctrinally sound. I noticed ... Continue


Should Christians make New Year’s Resolutions?

Posted by Danny Jones | 3 Comments »
On Wednesday Night, December 30th, we will start celebrating the New Year by discussing "New Year's Resolutions." New Year's Resolutions have long been a part of American tradition. It is not clear when and how it started. It is probably associated with our Judeo-Christian worldview. In the Old Testament (Leviticus ... Continue


The Supernatural Birth of Jesus Christ

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on The Supernatural Birth of Jesus Christ
On Wednesday Night, December 23rd, we will study the Supernatural Birth of Christ. As Christmases come and go, there is the temptation (even among Christians) for Christmas to become a Holiday Ritual. With all the activities surrounding the Season, it is easy to overlook the Miracle of Christmas. It is ... Continue



Posted by Danny Jones | 1 Comment »
On Wednesday Night, December 16th, we will discuss "Christianese." Christianese is the "Language of Zion", the dialect of the Church. If you have been in church for a while, you probably speak Christianese without even thinking about it. There are many words and phrases that Christians use that make perfect ... Continue


Should we receive the Syrian Refugees?

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Should we receive the Syrian Refugees?
On Wednesday Night, December 9th , we will be discussing the Syrian Refugee Crisis. What is the Christian response to a refugee crisis? On Nov 6, Alisyn Camerota from CNN was interviewing Republican Presidential Candidate Dr. Ben Carson and asked him about the Syrian Refugee Crisis. If he were President ... Continue


2015 Week of Prayer for International Missions

Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on 2015 Week of Prayer for International Missions
On Wednesday Night, December 2nd , we will have a special program presented by the Northlake Missions Team to observe our annual Week of Prayer for International Missions.  Please attend in order to be informed and inspired to do your part to fulfill our Lord's "Great Commission" to take the ... Continue



Posted by Danny Jones | Comments Off on Thanksgiving
On Wednesday Night, November 18th, we will be discussing "Thanksgiving." Next Wednesday, November 25th, our Bible Study will be cancelled so we can share the Holiday with family and friends. Therefore, I thought it appropriate to define "Thanksgiving" before we celebrate this National Holiday. The New Testament word for Thanksgiving ... Continue