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On Wednesday Night, November 18th, we will be discussing “Thanksgiving.” Next Wednesday, November 25th, our Bible Study will be cancelled so we can share the Holiday with family and friends. Therefore, I thought it appropriate to define “Thanksgiving” before we celebrate this National Holiday. The New Testament word for Thanksgiving is “eucharistia.” “Eu” means well or good. “Charis” means grace or gift. Therefore Thanksgiving is a grateful, joyful acknowledgement of Good Gifts. As Christians, we are taught in James 1:17 that “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from [God] the Father.” While we should be thankful to everyone who gives us anything, our ultimate thanksgiving should be to the Lord – “the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy” (1 Timothy 6:17).

It is difficult to find a better group of people to teach us about Thanksgiving than “The Pilgrims” who first settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts. To prepare for our discussion, please review the history of these early American settlers.

The first Pilgrim Feast was celebrated after the Fall Harvest in

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