
Because we believe God is Who He says He is and can do what He says He will do, we are empowered to engage a lost world through prayer, ministry and witness that will be modeled, taught and nurtured among future generations.

“Blessed be the Lord, who has delivered you.” —Exodus 18:10

Beginning August 16 and 17, 2021

WMU at Northlake Baptist Church is focused on mission activities and programs.  Our meetings are the last Monday night of the months of August, September, October, January, February, March, and April.

The first Monday in December we have a Christmas program with an emphasis on a local Women’s Ministry. Mark your calendar with these dates and plan to join the women of Northlake each month!

August 30, 2021 Program

IMB Missionary Encouragement Project

Monday, August 30 6:30 – 8:00pm

Room 112

We will assemble encouragement bags and write cards for IMB Missionaries attending training in September.

Please bring: A potluck dish to share

Girls of all ages are welcome!

Check out our Facebook Group, Northlake Baptist Church Women’s Ministry!


Study God’s Word with others around the world. Anytime, Anywhere.


Welcome to myMISSION, designed to help collegiate and young women like you to fulfill your mission as a follower of Christ. Our site explores the lives of people who are experiencing missional living and want to tell you about it. Monthly updates include: missional blogs, prayer resources, mission stories, social justice articles, and much more!


Where does your heart beat for missions?
Women on Mission® is ongoing missions involvement and learning that extends across the globe. Missions opportunities, learning materials and many free resources have been created to help women develop a missions lifestyle. As a part of Women on Mission, ladies have the opportunity to participate in missions and ministries that enable them to experience a variety of ways to serve Christ.

Ultimately, the purpose of all Women on Mission activities is that every person have the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel.


Georgia Baptist Woman’s Missionary Union & Women’s Enrichment Ministries
Our mission is to encourage, equip, and engage women and girls to discover and live out their purpose in God’s Kingdom.

Childcare Provided for Bible studies and Women on Mission – Please contact us if you will need childcare so that we are sure to have enough childcare workers.

Vickie Wingo and Andrea Howell
Women’s Enrichment Co-Directors
Northlake Baptist Church