
Winter Bible Study

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On Wednesday Night, Jan 15th, we will be begin our “Winter Bible Study.” We will be studying for about 6 Wednesday Nights from the New Testament book of Second Corinthians. This Study is available from Lifeway.com. The study was written by Dr. Ken Hemphill who pastored several churches in North Carolina. He was a former President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Texas. And he has served as a Church Growth expert and consultant for various agencies within the Southern Baptist Convention.

Dr. Hemphill’s introduction to this study says “Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians could accurately be termed a Handbook on Church Ministry. The apostle wrote the letter in response to specific problems that had developed in the congregation —problems that manifested themselves in attacks on his authority, motives, and methods as a minister. Paul’s defense of his ministry in 2 Corinthians gives believers today insight into the nature and practice of Christian ministry.”

The word “Ministry” over time has evolved to mean many things to many people. But we will be studying the word as it is originally defined in the New Testament.  To prepare for our study, please give the best answer to the following question.

In the New Testament, what did the word "minister" refer to?

  • All Christians (91%, 10 Votes)
  • All Church Leaders (9%, 1 Votes)
  • Ordained, Seminary Trained Pastors (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Pastors, Staff, and Deacons (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 11

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