
Why do Liberals cover for Islamic Terrorists?

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On Wednesday Night, Jan 14th, with the backdrop of the Terror Attacks in Paris, we will discuss Liberalism and Islam – the strange and illogical marriage between 2 ideologies that don’t seem to be compatible at all.

-Liberals are liberal about moral laws

-Muslims are very strict about moral laws.

-Liberals love making fun of religion.

-Muslims do not seem to have a sense of humor, especially about religion.

-Liberals are in favor of Same Sex Marriage.

-Muslims believe that Homosexuals should be executed.

-Liberals believe thieves are simply reacting to an unequal distribution of wealth.

-Muslims believe thieves should have their hands chopped off.

-Liberals think that a person has a right to use drugs or alcohol as they see fit.

-Muslims believe that drunkenness in any form is wrong.

-Liberals claim to be passionate about women’s rights.

-Muslims believe in the subjugation of women.

-Liberals tend to be irreligious.

-Muslims are very religious: Daily Confession of Faith, Daily Prayers, Fasting, Mandatory Giving, and Pilgrimage to Holy Sites.

With this background, you would think that Liberal Politicians and Mainstream Media personalities would be pressuring our government to deport Muslims from America and close the borders so none of them could get in. Strangely, Liberals in high places are silent about Muslim human rights violations. Even when there are brutal terrorist attacks by Muslims that include shootings, cuttings, bombings and beheadings – they refer to it as “Terrorist Attacks” but can’t bring themselves to say that the terror is related to the “Peaceful Religion” of Islam.

Stranger still, these same Liberals have no trouble at all being critical of Christianity. Christians are often the butt of jokes – but after the attacks on journalists that made cartoons about Muhammad – the Whitehouse issued a statement that making fun of the Prophet Muhammad showed a “lack of judgment.”

Why do Liberals cover for Islamic Terrorists?

  • Because Muslims are also the Enemy of Christians (36%, 9 Votes)
  • Because somehow the Muslims are aiding the Liberal agenda (36%, 9 Votes)
  • Because Liberals are afraid of Muslims (16%, 4 Votes)
  • Other - Please Comment (12%, 3 Votes)

Total Voters: 22

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