
“Three Lenses For Biblical Study”

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For some reason, many Protestant denominations have either ruled out the study of the Old Testament Scriptures as being “irrelevant” or at least of little importance to our “modern-day” worship experience.

This could not be further from the truth. As we all know, the Bible is authored by One Source; i.e. Jesus Christ: See John chapter one. If any of the Scriptures are valid, they all are!

The New Testament Church of our day has no validity outside of the foundational teachings of the Old Testament. One of the strongest proofs of Jesus’ incarnate being is the over 400 fulfilled prophecies declared among the Old Testament books.

Come prepared to study Job, the oldest Old Testament book and discover how in the first chapter we find some of the most up-to-date teachings in the Scriptures!

Read Job chapter one using these three study guides:

1)         The lenses of studying the Bible in light of the Bible (are there                         other supporting Scriptures?)

2)         The lenses of studying the Bible in the light of Jesus Christ (is                        there evidence of the universal Biblical theme of Redemption?)

3)         The lenses of studying the Bible in the light of balance within the                  [Christian] Community how does the mainstream church view this              passage over the centuries of time?)

2 Timothy 3:16-17 (KJV) 

16  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17  That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

God has buried treasure, hidden nuggets of gold throughout the entire Bible. How much blessing, encouragement and instruction are we missing by only reading part of it!

Thank you.

Rev Richard Beam