
” The Sign of the Red Heifer? “

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On Wednesday Night, September 12th, we will discuss “The Sign of the Red Heifer.” According to the Christian Broadcast Network (CBN), “the Temple Institute [in Israel] has announced the birth of a flawless all-red heifer that could pave the way for the fulfillment of a major End Times biblical prophecy. The reddish-colored female calf was reportedly born in Israel on August 28 and is being raised in accordance with the Jewish laws … In Jewish theology, the red heifer is essential to the rebuilding of the third Holy Temple in Jerusalem and will be needed to be sacrificed to complete the ritual of purification for the Temple…. The red heifer also relates to Christians who believe the completion of the third Temple is a symbol heralding the second coming of Jesus Christ…. To meet requirements (Numbers 19), the heifer must be born from a natural birth and be entirely red with no more than two non-red hairs on its body. It must also never have been used for any labor or have been impregnated…. Jewish tradition requires the heifer to be three-to-four years old when it is [sacrificed] for the purification and rebuilding the Temple…. It is claimed there have only been nine true red heifers, and the 10th will herald the construction of the third Temple.”

In a related story, the news website says this “First red heifer ‘born in Israel in 2,000 years fulfills prophecy.’… A red heifer born in Israel…is being closely examined by The Temple Institute… The Temple Institute was setup in 1987 with its main focus being the rebuilding of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem…. On its website the organization claims ‘the tenth red heifer will be prepared by the Messiah’… They also claim ‘there has been no red heifer for the past 2,000 years.'”

Our question for the evening will be:

Is 'The Red Heifer' the sign of the Return of Christ?

  • Undecided (55%, 11 Votes)
  • No (35%, 7 Votes)
  • Yes (10%, 2 Votes)

Total Voters: 20

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