
The Revelation according to the History Channel

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On Wednesday Night, January 21st, we will discuss The Revelation according to The History Channel. Recently, The History Channel produced a 2 night, 4 hour TV miniseries called “Revelation: The End of Days”. The following description of the movie is made up from excerpts at The History Channel’s website:

“The most popular interpretation among the Evangelical community… is that the visions [in Revelation] are prophecies that tell the story of the “Tribulation,” a period of chaos and hardship that precedes the return of Christ at an unspecified time in the future…. Almost 2,000 years ago, the final book of the Bible, Revelation, predicted that Christ would return but only after a period of chaos and torment inflicted on the world to test the faith of mankind. REVELATION: THE END OF DAYS is a gripping, dramatic interpretation of how the ancient prophecies of The Book of Revelation could unfold in our modern world.

[This miniseries] merges drama with re-purposed real news archive (of Hurricane Katrina, Indonesian Tsunami, Boston Bombing, Global War on Terror, etc) to thrust a group of fictional characters into an imagining of the Apocalypse. The program follows the dramatic stories of a TV reporter, a police officer, a doctor, a scientist and a college professor as they deal with chaos, war, earthquakes and a deadly pandemic.

[Part 1] As the world is ripped apart by a sequence of horrifying catastrophes, a TV reporter and his cameraman embark on an epic road trip across war-ravaged America. Their goal? To decode the secrets of Revelation–and identify the Antichrist. Their journey plunges them into the heart of the Apocalypse. If they can make their way through the rivers of blood, plagues of locusts and fields of fire prophesied 2000 years ago, they stand a chance of witnessing the most extraordinary event of all: The Second Coming of Christ.

[Part 2] When the Wailing Wall comes down in a series of bomb attacks that rock Jerusalem, the event kick-starts seven years of torment that will test the limits of mankind. A Pennsylvania cop hunts for hundreds of thousands of children mysteriously missing in a storm-ravaged America. Two scientists race to stop a deadly pandemic that threatens to decimate the world. And a TV reporter trapped inside a war-torn Israel desperately tries to decode the secrets of Revelation.

First, congratulations to The History Channel for offering a movie based on “the most popular interpretation among the Evangelical [Christian] community” that shows the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church and for showing the chaos that will appear on the earth during the “Tribulation.” Maybe it will encourage an unbeliever to reconsider their future and open the Bible. However, there were dozens of errors, misunderstandings, and misinterpretations of Biblical Prophecy.”

The question for the evening is: Suppose you are sitting with your children, grandchildren, or friends and they began peppering you with questions about the Movie and it’s portrayal of future events prophecied in the Revelation – Do you feel comfortable with your ability to separate fact from fiction in a discussion about the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ?

Are you Prepared to Share with Others concerning the 2nd Coming of Christ?

  • Yes (45%, 9 Votes)
  • No (30%, 6 Votes)
  • Not Sure (25%, 5 Votes)

Total Voters: 20

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