
Socialism ?

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On Wednesday Night, Feb 10th, we will be discussing “Socialism.” I was recently asked by several in our congregation – What is Socialism? What is wrong with Socialism?

I assume these questions are coming from the shocking popularity of a 75 year old self-described “Socialist” who is running for President of the United States named Bernie Sanders. His candidacy was considered a joke in the beginning by many. But now, he is running “neck and neck” with Hillary Clinton for the nomination of the Democratic Party. The main reason for his popularity seems to be the younger generation who are excited by his “Robinhood” platform of taking from the Rich and giving to the Poor. His website boasts alot of “freebees” for the poor and middle class. He is advocating free college education, $15/hour minimum wage, medicare for all, 12 weeks/year paid time off for maternity, paternity, sickness and vacation. He has a plan for good jobs in rebuilding “our crumbling infrastructure” and clean energy. All of this will be paid for by the “redistribution” of wealth from Wall Street to the working people on Main Street.

While Bernie is advocating for the poor, many people believe that he is following the example of Jesus who said “Blessed are you poor, For yours is the kingdom of God…. go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me…. when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind.”

Since we are only 3 weeks away from the “SEC Primary” election in Georgia, what do you think ?

Is Socialism compatible with Christianity?

  • No (100%, 16 Votes)
  • Yes (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Not Sure (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 16

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