
Should we teach Forgiveness ?

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Our Wednesday Night study for Jan 9th , will be “Forgiveness”. I was attending one of our Sunday School groups recently and the subject of forgiveness was being discussed. And the more it was discussed, the more complicated it became. As I listened, I was reminded of an article that I read in Newsweek magazine many years ago. It was a piece subtitled “Bill, the Baptist” by Kenneth Woodward. In that article, Woodward claimed that the reason Pres. Clinton (who at the time was involved in a sexual scandal) was so casual about sin was his Baptist upbringing. He said Baptists believe:

*”once saved, always saved” & “nothing will separate me from the Love of God”

*Soul Competency – I can go to God directly without the help of a priest, so if I sin, it’s a personal matter between me and God. It’s nobody else’s business.

*If I confess my sin to God – God in His grace will forgive me and everything will be OK.

If that is what Baptists believe, then HOW do you explain forgiveness in terms that will help older people find peace with their problems in the past,  but won’t leave our youth thinking that they have a “Get out of Jail Free” card for future sins?

Please check the poll below – and feel free to comment on the doctrine of forgiveness.

Should we teach Forgiveness?

  • Yes (100%, 15 Votes)
  • No (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Not Sure (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 15

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