
Religious Freedom and Same Sex Marriage

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On Wednesday Night, March 2nd, we will be discussing Religious Freedom. I recently read an article on Townhall.com by Radio Talk Show Host Erick Erickson who was advertising his new book You Will Be Made to Care.   Erick writes “[in my new book] I chronicle the disturbing trend of persecution in the United States against people of faith. Several years ago, I had an encounter with a young man who told me in no uncertain terms that he did not care about the rapid movement to legalize same sex marriage in the United States. It did not affect him, would not affect him and he did not care about the issue at all. I replied to him that he would be made to care by the secular left in America. They will abide no dissent on the issue. If he decides, because of his faith, that same sex marriage is a sin, he will be made to change his mind or shut up. He could lose his job, his home, and see his career annihilated if he cared the wrong way. Sadly, since that time, I have been proven right.”

Erick gives the example of – “A devout Mennonite couple in Iowa, Betty and Dick Odgaard, declined a request to organize, facilitate, and host a same-sex ceremony in a seventy-seven-year old church building in which they run an art gallery. The Odgaards refused on the basis of their religious beliefs, which include ‘the importance of living one’s faith in all aspects of life.’ The Iowa Civil Rights Commission made them pay $5,000 in legal fees. The Odgaards have since stopped providing all wedding services at the gallery.”

I believe Erick is right. In the space of 40 short years, every “traditional Judeo-Christian value” has been turned upside down. The Secular Left began by accusing the Christian Right of being “intolerant”; but now, the “tolerant” Left has become “intolerant” of the Right. Forty years ago, both the American Medical and Psychiatric Associations considered homosexuality to be “a mental disorder” (see wiki); but now, Bible believing Christians are considered to be the ones with a mental disorder. Forty years ago, the majority of Americans considered homosexuality to be a sin; but now, the majority of Americans consider Bible believing Christians to be sinners who are mean, judgmental, and hateful homophobes.

And now in the 21st Century, Christians are having to go to state legislators to try to get bills passed (i.e. Georgia HB 757) to provide some legal protection for a Christian who refuses to provide services for a same sex wedding. The secular left has achieved the legal “high ground” in America and have decided that Christians “will be MADE to CARE!”

What do you think?  Is the First Amendment – Freedom of Religion – still possible in America?

Can Christianity and the LGBT Agenda coexist?

  • No (90%, 18 Votes)
  • Yes (5%, 1 Votes)
  • Not Sure (5%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 20

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