
Nephilim, UFO’s, ET’s, etc

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On Wednesday Night, November 3rd, at 6:30pm, we will have a study about such unexplainable phenomena as Nephilim, Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO), Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), Extra-Terrestrial Life (ET), etc.  I have received numerous requests for this over the last several months and I thought there’s no better time than the week after Halloween to discuss them!  

Seriously, in December of 2020, former President Trump signed a bill requiring federal agencies to publish a report based on declassified information about UFOs (or as the government calls them “UAPs”). Back in March 2021, former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe in an interview with Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo said that this report will show many UAPs that are “difficult to explain.” He claimed that these encounters included “movements that are hard to replicate… traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom.” These encounters have happened “all over the world” and “multiple sensors” were reporting the unexplained phenoms rather than individual pilots or satellites.  In Jun 2021, the US Senate released a report that included what John Ratcliffe referred to and added that over 80 encounters were observed with multiple sensors and included hovering, abrupt maneuvers, and vehicles traveling at considerable speed without any discernable means of propulsion.”

In addition to recent unexplained phenomena, The History Channel has a series called “Ancient Aliens” that tries to explain things like Stonehenge located in England which is made up of prehistoric earthworks and a circle of standing stones – some weighing between 25-50 Tons!  Another is  Easter Island which is  famous for its 887 giant human figures with enormous heads that guard its coastline. These monolithic statues stand 13 feet high and weigh 14 tons, but some are twice as tall and much heavier. And then there are pyramids. Most of us have seen pictures of the Ziggurats in Iraq, the Egyptian Pyramids, the Indonesian Pyramids, and the Mayan & Aztec Pyramids in Mexico. And this is just a short list of the many pyramids, mounds, and earthworks that have been built around the world. How did early man build these structures without the heavy machinery of the modern world? Some of the “experts” on the History Channel believe that these unexplained phenomena is evidence that the earth has been visited by extra-terrestrials with superior intelligence and strength.      

Our Wednesday Night question of the Evening:

Have you ever personally seen a UFO ?

  • No (92%, 101 Votes)
  • Yes (8%, 9 Votes)

Total Voters: 110

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