
Is Forgiveness Enough?

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On Wednesday Night, Sep 5th,  we will have a discussion about the current leadership crisis in the Roman Catholic Church. Recently, the news media reported that a grand jury in Pennsylvania is accusing the Catholic church of sexual misconduct. The grand jury reported that around 300 priests have abused and harassed more than 1,000 children over the last 70 years and that generations of bishops failed to protect the children and punish these church leaders. News reports from Vatican City (AP) said other grand juries around the nation are planning to conduct similar investigations. They also claim that there are ongoing cases of sexual misconduct in Ireland, Australia, Chile and other countries.

This is an important topic for all churches to discuss because sexual misconduct is not limited to the Catholic church. A casual reading of newspapers reveal that Protestant churches have similar problems.

In response, Pope Francis who is ultimately responsible for the direction of the RCC has released a memo that reads “with shame and repentance, we acknowledge as an ecclesial community that we were not where we should have been… we showed no care for the little ones; we abandoned them… let us beg forgiveness for our own sins and the sins of others.”

Our question for the evening – When church leaders sin,

Is Forgiveness Enough?

  • No (82%, 14 Votes)
  • Yes (12%, 2 Votes)
  • Undecided (6%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 17

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