
Critique of Environmentalism

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On Wednesday night, Jan 19th,  we discussed the environmentalist curriculum for churches called “Let there be… stuff.” 

           In 2007,  some Environmentalists produced a video called The Story of Stuff with the basic message that “the Earth is in trouble because of our ravenous relationship with our stuff.”  The video follows the path of our STUFF  from  Procurement of Raw Materials inAgriculture &Mining; to Manufacturing in factories; to Distribution thru stores like Walmart; to Consumer;  to Disposal  -&- how we are destroying the Environment every step of  the way.  After 20 minutes of this video – you feel guilty for BREATHING! The video went “Viral” with over 10 million viewers online and will be influential for many years in the future because many school systems have included “Stuff” in their curriculum.

                Back before Christmas, someone told me that a new version of “Stuff” was being released for use in churches called  Let There Be… Stuff?.  This new version is designed to be used in Youth groups (ages 13-18)  because young people  “are likely to be more open to changing behavior patterns since their habits aren’t as engrained.”

My Summary of this church curriculum on Environmentalism is as follows:

1)Are there some Good Points in this Material?   YES

-God Does Command / Demand that we be good stewards of Every Gift of God that  comes our way -& that includes our Environment.  (1Co 4:2)

-Young people should be suspicious of advertising because MANY Ads do lead us to Break the 10th Commandment – Thou Shalt Not Covet… Lust.. Desire ( Exo 20:17)  ALSO … the Lord tells us to Be Content – 1Tim 6:8

-Isa 59:7; Pro 12:27,13:23 – calls WASTING a SIN    

-God WILL judge us ALL – incl Christians – 2Cor 5: 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.

2) Whenever you are reading a Book, Magazine, or Online Article, OR listening to Radio, TV, Sermon, Speech – Always ASK – WHO is this Person?  WHAT is their Worldview, Agenda, & Income Source?   Relatively Easy to find – GOOGLE their Name – Most people who are Publicially Publishing Ideas have a profile out on the internet.

      1- www.thestoryofstuff.org –  Annie Leonard  –  Tho she tries to act like she is just average concerned citizen,   she is a member of the Exec Com of International Forum on Globalization – &-  Greenpeace.  Both of these Organizations are bankrolled by Rockefellers & Soros.   The 1st Frame of the Video says it is produced by the Tides Foundation

      2-Let there be… Stuff? – www.greenfaith.org – Connected to Liberal National Council of Churches committee on EcoJustice.   Executive  Director = Rev Fletcher Harper – Episcopal Priest  – who is on Advisory Board – DEFCON= Defend the Constitution against the influence of the Religious Right – DEFCON is funded by the Tides Foundation –a Geo Soros Think Tank  — Any Guesses about the Material NOW?              

3) Remember that from the Original Sin – Satan has been able to quote, misquote & misapply Scripture. This material is NO Different.

      It is obvious that the writers did NOT go to the Bible and read it from Genesis to Revelation concerning how we are to manage the earth. NO, they had an environmentalist agenda that they “baptized” with some verses.

      When I was in Seminary, we had a Black Liberation Theologian speak in Chapel- a devout Marxist.  He told us that he often preached in regular congregations – but he said he always used KJV – “you can change the food as long as you serve it on a  familiar platter!”  –That’s what they are doing for our Teenagers –  

     Radical Environmentalism served on a Biblical Platter!    Be careful of Preachers – Just because they read a few verses doesn’t matter – Ask yourself IS HE/SHE RIGHTLY DIVIDING/INTERPRETING the WORD of TRUTH?

4)Speaking of Marx – “Religion is the opiate of the people”

Use Religion to keep the masses ASLEEP & UnAWARE of what you are doing.

-Environmentalism has become the NEW religion/opiate for the Globalists.

Story of Stuff is a byproduct of the United Nations Global Strategy.   “Saving the Planet” is a goal that all of us little  “Earthlings” can Embrace – while they are moving our Mining, Manufacturing Jobs overseas– Next Step is to destroy the Middle Class

-Environmentalism is the NEW RELIGION to be used to RE-EDUCATE our Children   to mentally prepare for the NEW REALITY that they are NOT going to be as prosperous as their Grandparents & Parents.

5) Nowhere in scripture are we told that we will be judged because of the amount of Waste that we generate – both Isaiah (66) & Jesus (Mark 9) spoke of  Gehenna -Valley of Hinnon – Jerusalem Trash Dump. They were NOT warning that people would be judged for putting trash in the Dump – Warned that if they didn’t REPENT of their   SINS and obey the Lord – Their SOULS would be in the Dump called Hell.

ALSO – God does NOT Bless His People and then BEAT them for enjoying the Blessings  – Deut 8:7 “For the LORD your God is bringing you into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and springs, that flow out of valleys and hills;  8   “a land of wheat and  barley, of vines and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of  olive oil and honey;  9 “a land in which  you will eat bread without scarcity, in which you will lack nothing; a land whose stones are iron and          out of whose hills you can dig copper.

The Lord promised Israel that they would have PLENTY to CONSUME – even out of those “EVIL, Super Toxic ” MINES – as long as they Loved God and Kept His Commandments               

Acts 16 – Lydia dyed fabric – Acts 10 – Peter stayed at Simon, the Tanners   house – Both were involved in Manufacuring that the EPA would regulate because of Pollutants & Carcinogens -YET there is NO Rebuke from GOD for  their “Earth Defiling” Occupation.

By the Way, GOD  is Referred to in the Bible in MASCULINE GENDER – there seems to be some confusion in the “Let there be ….Stuff ? material! –  “HE” (NOT SHE) did NOT rebuke the People for enjoying the Prosperity He had Blessed them with

GOD did NOT forbid them from being in Agriculture, Manufacturing, & Mining

GOD did NOT JUDGE them for taking their used items to the DUMP

BUT GOD is going to JUDGE our SINS – and that is mentioned NO WHERE in the  LET THERE BE … STUFF materials

            When it comes to Pollution – it is NOT Carbon Dioxide – that causes Damage to the Earth – The Lord says it is OUR SINs –   Lev 18: 26 ‘You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments, and shall not commit any of  these abominations, either any of your own nation or any stranger who dwells among you  27 ‘(for all these abominations the men of the land have done, who were before you, and thus the land is defiled),  28 ‘lest the land vomit you out also when you defile it, as it vomited out the nations that were before you.

 Sins that are listed in Lev 18:     *Breaking the 10 Commandments

      *Abominations are Fornication, Adultery, Incest, Homosexuality

      *And offering Child Sacrifice = Antique Abortion

      *And for IDOLATRY.. For Worshipping the Creation instead of the Creator

      *And Murder – We Rehabilitate rather than Avenge the Blood of Innocents – the Bible says the shedding of   innocent blood pollutes the land

So FAR I’ve not heard any of the Environmentalists mention any of these Pollutants !!!

Another Theme among Current Environmentalists is the Plight of ANIMALS -(see the Endangered Species Act)  They claim Animals have the same rights as humans.  The Human Population must be reduced so we can make room for All the Animals on the Planet.   But we see the opposite view in  > Deu 7:22 “And the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you little by little; you will be unable to destroy them at once, lest the beasts of the field become too numerous for you.

      Apparently it was OK with GOD for Man to Exterminate Animal Pests like Rodents, Carnivores and Insects!!

6)Finally, When it comes to Environmentalism –

1st, I don’t buy it because it is NOT Biblical –

                TRUE – GOD is going to Judge Us – But not for the BAG Full of Garbage we threw away last Week

                                                                                     – But for the SOUL Full of  SIN that we carry in our Hearts  

                -Gods WORD does NOT teach us to SAVE the PLANET

                -Gods WORD Commissions us to SAVE the PEOPLE

                -God’s WORD tell us that this Planet is going to be judged and ultimately be Burned up

                                – Instead of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle –  We need to be using another R WORD — REPENT   

2nd Reason I do NOT buy Environmentalism is – it’s NOT Scientific

                They invented Theories like Global Cooling in 70s (1st Earth Day) – then the weather warmed up – and we were warned of Global Warming – now it’s cooling again – so the new label is  Global Climate Change

                Also – They whine about our Polluted Air, Poisoned Water, InOrganic Food, & Big Pharma  Drugs are killing                                us . Meanwhile – our population is living longer on average than any generation in history.

                And they are REALLY DOWN on  Plastics & Electronics – Does anyone remember the “Paradise”  that we enjoyed before Plastics & Electronics ?   Bread wrapped in Cellophane,  “Party line” Phones, glass syringes and autoclaved needles at the Doctors office,  and  imagine the “carbon footprint” if everyone who now rides in a car rode a Horse instead!   

3rd Reason I do NOT Buy Environmentalism is the Hypocrisy

                -AL GORE flies in on a Chartered Jet to tell us we need to ride a Bicycle

                -Environmentalists talking on Cellphones telling us not to use Cellphones

                -They Wear New Clothes – telling us that we should get our clothes at Yard Sales and Goodwill

                -Most Environmental Activists  only know how to microwave food wrapped in plastic – but tell us that we need to learn to do Earth Friendly Gardening and Canning – Which is what our GrandParents were doing before they were told to MODERNIZE

                -They Send us a Presentation that we can only see on computer –  then tell us that Computers are bad for the Environment

                -They Talk about Going back to nature – Most have never spent a weekend in nature without  Air Conditioning,  Screened Windows, Stocked Refrigerator, and fully plumbed  Bathrooms  

                -Global Corporate Billionaires are destroying  the middle class – moving  jobs overseas –   and then have the Audacity to trot out THESE Environmentalists who work on THEIR Payroll – to make OUR children feel guilty for buying THEIR  Cheap Products  that THEY advertise on TV – that are made in THEIR Factories in 3rd World Countries where THEY work people for nothing, strip mine their resources, and pollute their Air, Land, Water.    But NOW Suddenly It’s ALL – OUR —  FAULT!

                -Instead of  “Talking Down” to WE the “Little People” – who have NO Control over Production  – And Little control over what is available in stores for US to BUY — Why don’t the Environmentalists – ask THEIR Bosses – The Rockefellers & George Soros & Bill Gates & Warren Buffet & Ted Turner & Oprah Winfrey & Rupert Murdock etc – to make better Products that Last Longer and have Less Environmental Impact & change THEIR Advertising Strategy on ALL the TV  Networks that THEY Own – and  THE WORLD WILL BE A BETTER PLACE.  

MAKE NO MISTAKE – ENVIRONMENTALISM is the NEW WORLD RELIGION that Paul warned us about in Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;…. 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creation more than the Creator