
Burial or Cremation

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On Wednesday Night, January 30th , we will discuss “Cremation.” I’ve had several requests for this in the last few weeks – probably because cremation is becoming a more popular funeral option.  When I first became a pastor, 30 years ago, cremation was rare.  But within the last 10-15 years the number of cremations in the United States has risen to around 40%. There are a variety of reasons for this change in culture:

1) Religious Pluralism – with the increase in globalism, there has been a mixing and mingling of religious traditions.

2) Over Population – there is a perception that with 7 billion people on the earth at this time – there may not be enough burial land for everyone.

3) Environmentalism – some believe that cremation is “greener” or better for the earth than burial in cemeteries.

4) Social Mobility – people no longer are born, live, and die in the same community. It is easier to ship an urn than a casket across the country.

5) Economics – The average cost of a funeral with burial is $7300. The average cost of a cremation is $1,750.

What do you think?

When your life is over, would you rather be:

  • Cremated (50%, 11 Votes)
  • Buried (45%, 10 Votes)
  • Undecided (5%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 22

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