
Are YOU a Saint?

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On Wednesday Night, October 7th, we will discuss Sainthood. On the Pope’s recent visit to the USA – he canonized a Catholic Missionary named Junipero Serra who came to California about 250 years ago. According to CNN, the Pope described Serra as a missionary who “was excited about blazing trails, going forth to meet many people, learning and valuing their particular customs and ways of life.” The canonization of Serra was historic because Francis was the first Hispanic Pope who came to America to give the Church it’s first Hispanic Saint.

According to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church – becoming a saint is a complicated process. The first step in the process of becoming a saint is you must be dead. Then after your death, if you had a reputation of holiness in your life here on earth, a 5 year sainthood process begins.

1)Informal Phase – a local group promotes devotion to you as a holy person.

2)Investigative Phase –a local bishop begins collecting evidence, testimonies, writings, etc.

3)Evaluation Phase – A Biographer edits the evidence and then it is reviewed by 8 Theologians, then the Cardinals  & Bishops, then the Pope and if you are approved by all these men, then you are called VENERABLE.

4)Miracle Phase – There must be miracles credited to your prayers and intercession for the miracle recipient AFTER you died and these miracles must be verified.

5)Beatification – The Pope Reviews and if he approves then you are Beatified or called BLESSED.

6)Canonization – One more Miracle AFTER your Beatification and you become a SAINT!

That is the procedure for Roman Catholic sainthood. What is the procedure for Baptist sainthood? 1 Corinthians 1:2 seems to imply that all believers are “called to be saints.” And the grammar of that verse is perfect tense – which means that our sainthood is something that began in the past, continues to the present and extends into the future. So this New Testament sainthood is not something that happens after you are dead.

To prepare for this discussion, please ask yourself the following question:

Are YOU a Saint?

  • Yes (72%, 13 Votes)
  • No (22%, 4 Votes)
  • Not Sure (6%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 18

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