
Global Warming ?

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As I sit here writing this blog and trying to recover from “cabin fever” because I have NOT been able to leave the house in several days because of the abundance of Ice and Snow, I could not help but think about “Global Warming.” But now that various parts of our world are experiencing one of the Iciest Winters in over 100 years, the Environmentalists have changed their warnings from man-made Global Warming to man-made Global Climate Change.  Therefore, if the weather is Hotter than normal, or Colder than Normal, or just plain normal – it’s STILL our Fault!

    In 2007,  Some Environmentalists produced a video called The Story of Stuff  with the basic message that “the Earth is in trouble because of our ravenous relationship with our stuff.”  The video went “Viral” with over 10 million viewers online and will be influential for many years in the future because many school systems have included “Stuff” in their curriculum.

      Back before Christmas, someone told me that a new version of “Stuff” was being released for use in churches called Let There Be… Stuff?.  This new version is designed to be used in Youth groups (ages 13-18) because young people “are likely to be more open to changing behavior patterns since their habits aren’t as engrained.”

     Our next Wednesday night topic will be Let There Be… Stuff?. We will discuss and evaluate this curriculum and see if it is Biblical, truthful, and helpful for our Teenagers.