
What is Ministry?

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We have heard the phrase, “he’s in the ministry” or “I felt called to ministry” or “my grandson is in the ministry” many times. But what does that mean? What is “the ministry”? Who does it? Who should do it? How is it done?

This Wednesday night with Pastor Corbin we will discuss what “ministry” is, who does it, and how it’s done at Northlake. Everyone will go home with (or download!) a spiritual gift survey and NBC Ministry Involvement Survey afterwards as a way to ascertain what your role in ministry is.

Come join us to better understand what, who, and how we as a church–and you as a part of it!–accomplish the Great Commission

What is "Ministry" and who does it?

  • Service of Christians and non-Christians that all Christians do (76%, 22 Votes)
  • A vocation of service that church leaders (deacons, teachers, etc.) do (17%, 5 Votes)
  • A profession of service that professional Church Staff does (7%, 2 Votes)
  • Service of non-believers that SS Classes do (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 29

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