
VBS 2020

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This week, June 22nd – 26th  – is Vacation Bible School at Northlake Baptist Church !  The theme is “Concrete & Cranes – Philippians 1:6” . For most churches in most years, Vacation Bible School is the single most evangelistic on-campus outreach event of the year. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic, our VBS will not be “on-campus” – it will be presented “online” each evening at 7 pm Eastern DST.

Our normally scheduled Wednesday Night Bible Study will not be held this week so everyone can be involved in VBS. We ask if you have children or grandchildren at home, please watch VBS with them. If you do not have children in your home – please take that time to offer prayer for the children in our Northlake family.

Last year, Lifeway compiled the VBS Report Forms from the churches and found that 2.5 million children attended VBS. With that many children attending VBS:

How many children made "professions of faith" at VBS?

  • 70,000 (79%, 11 Votes)
  • 50,000 (14%, 2 Votes)
  • 30,000 (7%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 14

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