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On Wednesday Night, March 11th, we will discuss COVID-19 – also known as the Coronavirus. As of this writing there are over 113,000 cases of Coronavirus worldwide with 4014 deaths (26 deaths in the USA). So far, there has been very limited spread of this disease in the United States. While we hope and pray that the spread of this disease ends very soon, it is prudent to plan for the worst case scenario projected by some experts who say that Coronavirus could blossom into a pandemic.

The last major pandemic threat that we faced was the H1N1 Flu in 2009. During the H1N1 scare, public health officials were asking pastors to ask their congregations to volunteer to carry groceries, medicines, & other needed supplies to the doorsteps of families who are sick & dying.

Our question for the evening: If the Coronavirus continues to develop into a major epidemic that affects our community:

Would you be willing to volunteer to help Coronavirus victims?

  • Yes (87%, 13 Votes)
  • Undecided (13%, 2 Votes)
  • No (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 15

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