
Is Facebook the New Idolatry?

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On Wednesday Night, November 15th, we will deal with the question – “Is Facebook the New Idolatry?”  It seems like a strange question. How could a simple communications medium be seen as a god or an idol?  Most people do not bow down and worship in front of a computer or a smart phone.

Last week in an interview, Sean Parker (founding president of Facebook) revealed that in the design of Facebook they intentionally exploited the vulnerabilities of human psychology so they could consume as much of a persons time and conscious attention as possible. In other words, Facebook was designed to get people addicted or hooked on this form of social media. They wanted Facebook to be a NEED instead of a want or a pastime.

What is an Idol?  How do you know if some person, place, or thing has become an idol or god in your life?  From the prophet Isaiah (chapter 44) we learn to ask ourselves 3 questions – which will determine whether something in our life has reached “god” status.

1)Where do you go for advice or help (v 17)?

2)Where do you enjoy spending your time and money (v 13)?

3)Who or what is the center of you life (v 19)?

As we prepare for this study, please answer the following question:

How much time do you spend on social media each day?

  • 0-2 Hours (43%, 10 Votes)
  • 0 Hours (35%, 8 Votes)
  • 2-4 Hours (22%, 5 Votes)
  • 4-6 Hours (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Over 6 Hours (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 23

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