
The Abrahamic Covenant

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On Wednesday Night, March 22nd, we will discuss the Abrahamic Covenant from Genesis 12 & 17. I recently received a forwarded email from Jonathan Cahn – the Messianic Jewish Pastor and Author of Best Selling books like “The Harbinger” and “The Mystery of the Shemitah.” Pastor Cahn wrote an article in World Net Daily in January where he claims that Donald Trump won the Presidential Election because former President Obama violated the Abrahamic Covenant.

Donald Trump was NOT supposed to win the Election. He broke all the “rules” of campaigning. He said things that were not politically correct which should have been the end of his campaign. All the way until Election night the Democrats, the Republicans, the Pollsters, and the Media were all saying that Hillary Clinton would win and that Donald Trump would lose. But in an almost miraculous fashion, he won! How did that Happen?

Jonathan Cahn writes that President Obama was leaving behind a legacy of defying the Word of God when it comes to Marriage, Religious Liberty, and the Sanctity of Human Life. President Obama also spent 8 years undermining the relationship between the USA and Israel. He publically snubbed Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and in 2015 sent a team and money to Israel to try to defeat Netanyahu in his bid for re-election. But again, in miraculous fashion, Netanyahu won his election.

Pastor Cahn attributes both the re-election of Netanyahu and the election of Donald Trump to God who is fulfilling His ancient promise to Abraham in Genesis 12 – “​​I will make you a great nation; ​​I will bless you ​​And make your name great; ​​And you shall be a blessing. ​​I will bless those who bless you, ​​And I will curse him who curses you.”

Cahn writes that if Hillary Clinton would have won, the Obama Legacy would have continued. But since President Obama “cursed” the descendants of Abraham, God put an end to the Obama years by allowing Donald Trump to be miraculously elected.

What do you think?

Did the Abrahamic covenant end Obama's legacy?

  • No (40%, 8 Votes)
  • Yes (30%, 6 Votes)
  • Undecided (30%, 6 Votes)

Total Voters: 20

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