
The Shack

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On Wednesday Night, March 15th, we will discuss the newly released movie called “The Shack.” This movie is being advertised as a Christian Movie. It is based on a New York Times best selling book (sold over 10 million copies) from 2007 with the same name. The reviews are mixed. People either love it or hate it. There doesn’t seem to be much room in between.

The plot of the book/ movie is summarized by World Magazine as follows:  A father named “Mack Phillips loses his bubbly 6-year-old daughter on a camping trip to a sick serial killer… [Mack] finds a letter in his mailbox signed by “Papa” – a term of endearment his wife uses for God. Papa invites him to The Shack where his daughter died… [there he meets God who appears as 3 different people]… Father God.. is portrayed as a huggable black woman… Jesus is a super-chill, kind-eyed Jew… the Holy Spirit … is a swan-necked, sparkly Asian woman.”

In a 2 hour movie, the Director tries to handle some pretty heavy theological topics like The Trinity, Pain, Forgiveness, Faith, the Problem of Evil, Depression, and Healing Relationships – just to name a few.

Christian critics who did not care for the movie say the God and the Answers to life’s problems found in this movie are not even close to the God of the Bible and Answers from the Bible.

Christian critics who were positive about the movie say the movie gives the church an opportunity to connect with the “Millennial” generation who may never darken the doors of a church but who will go to movies. They say this movie offers a powerful opportunity to engage this “unchurched” group with a conversation that begins with the movie and provides a path to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Are you ready for this conversation?  Are you ready to begin with the questions that this movie offers and share with a “seeker” about the actual truths concerning Mankind’s problems and God’s solutions?

Should Christians encourage their "unchurched" friends to see "The Shack"?

  • No (76%, 16 Votes)
  • UnDecided (14%, 3 Votes)
  • Yes (10%, 2 Votes)

Total Voters: 21

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